Agenda for Official Publications and statistics of the Bank of Italy, of conferences and seminars organized by the Bank, of national and international engagements of the members of the Bank.
- 2 Publications Ita-coin Rome
- 5 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 8 Statistics Foreign workers' remittances Rome
- 8 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 10 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 11 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 12 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 16 Publications Survey on Inflation and Growth Expectations Rome
- 17 Publications Financial Accounts Rome
- 19 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 19 Publications Economic Bulletin Rome
- 22 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 23 Statistics Bank Lending Survey (BLS): results for Italy Rome
- 25 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 26 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 26 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 26 Conferences Scuola per Librai Umberto e Elisabetta Mauri - 35th specialization seminar - 2018 Venice
- 31 Statistics Sectoral balance sheets Rome
- 31 Press releases €-coin indicator Rome
- 31 Statistics General government operation Rome
- 31 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 31 Statistics Other financial corporations Rome
- 31 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 8 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 9 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 12 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 13 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 19 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 19 Publications Month-end financial statement at 31 December 2017 Rome
- 20 Publications Italian housing market survey Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 23 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 28 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 28 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 28 Press releases €-coin indicator Rome
- 28 Publications Local Government Debt Rome
- 2 Conferences Workshop on 'Human Capital' Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 8 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 9 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 12 Conferences The Eleventh Annual MFAIC - Bank of Italy Conference with the heads of the representative offices and the financial attachés working abroad Rome
- 12 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 12 Publications Household Income and Wealth Rome
- 13 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 15 -16 Conferences Labour market participation: Forces at work and policy challenges Rome, Bank of Italy Conference Centre "Carlo Azeglio Ciampi", via Nazionale 190
- 16 -17 Conferences Salvatore Rossi at the Conference on "New Frontiers in Banking: from Corporate Governance to Risk Management" Faculty of Economics, "La Sapienza" University of Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 21 Statistics Financial soundness indicators Rome
- 22 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 22 Statistics Debt securities Rome
- 22 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 23 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 26 -27 Conferences Workshop on "Harnessing Big Data & Machine Learning Technologies for Central Banks" Conference Center "Carlo Azeglio Ciampi - Rome
- 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 30 Statistics Italy - External debt Rome
- 30 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 30 Publications Banks and financial institutions: branch network Rome
- 30 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 30 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 30 Press releases €-coin indicator Rome
- 30 Statistics Italy - International investment position Rome
- 30 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 5 -6 Conferences Bank of Italy and Bocconi University conference on "Financial Stability and Regulation" Rome, 5-6 April 2018 Rome
- 6 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 9 Publications Survey on Inflation and Growth Expectations Rome
- 9 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 9 Statistics Foreign workers' remittances Rome
- 11 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 11 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 13 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 13 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 13 Publications Economic Bulletin Rome
- 13 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 13 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 19 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 20 -22 Appointments IMF/WB Spring Meetings Washington DC
- 20 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 23 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 24 Statistics Bank Lending Survey (BLS): results for Italy Rome
- 26 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 27 Publications Financial Stability Report Rome
- 27 Press releases €-coin indicator Rome
- 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 30 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 30 Statistics Other financial corporations Rome
- 30 Statistics General government operations Rome
- 30 Statistics Sectoral balance sheets Rome
- 30 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 8 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 10 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 10 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 10 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 16 Conferences International Technical Cooperation seminar "Cybersecurity challenges for central banks" Rome, Centro Congressi Carlo Azeglio Ciampi
- 16 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 18 Publications Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 18 Publications Italian housing market survey Rome
- 29 Appointments Presentation of the 2017 Annual Report Via Nazionale 91, Rome
- 31 Press releases €-coin indicator Rome
- 5 Publications Financial Accounts Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 11 Publications Survey on International Tourism Rome
- 12 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 12 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 12 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 14 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Riga
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 19 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 20 Statistics Financial soundness indicators Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 22 Statistics Debt securities Rome
- 25 Publications Survey on International Merchandise Transport Rome
- 27 Appointments IVASS - 2016 Annual Report Rome
- 27 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 28 Press releases €-coin indicator Rome
- 28 Statistics Italy - International investment position Rome
- 28 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 28 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 28 Statistics Italy - External debt Rome
- 28 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 28 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 28 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 28 Publications Public Finance Statistics in the European Union Rome
- 2 Publications Survey of Industrial and Service Firms Rome
- 6 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 6 Statistics Foreign workers' remittances Rome
- 6 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 9 Publications Survey on Inflation and Growth Expectations Rome
- 10 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 10 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 11 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 13 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 13 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 13 Publications Economic Bulletin Rome
- 13 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 13 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 18 Publications Financial Accounts Rome
- 20 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 23 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 24 Statistics Bank Lending Survey (BLS): results for Italy Rome
- 25 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 26 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 27 Press releases €-coin indicator Roma
- 31 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 31 Statistics Other financial corporations Rome
- 31 Statistics Sectoral balance sheets Rome
- 31 Statistics General government operations Rome
- 1 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 2 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 9 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 9 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 10 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 10 Publications Italian Housing Market Survey Short-term Outlook Rome
- 10 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 17 Publications The Public Finances, Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 17 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 17 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 17 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 17 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 28 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 31 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 31 Press releases €-coin indicator Rome
- 3 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 11 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 11 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 13 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 14 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 14 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 14 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 14 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 19 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 20 -21 Conferences Banca d'Italia and CEPR: "Low inflation and wage dynamics: implications for monetary policy and financial stability" Rome
- 20 Statistics Financial soundness indicators Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 21 Statistics Debt securities Rome
- 26 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 27 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 28 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 28 Press releases €-coin indicator Rome
- 28 Statistics Italy - International investment position Rome
- 28 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 28 Statistics Italy - External debt Rome
- 28 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 28 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 4 Appointments Salvatore Rossi spoke today at the 50th Credit Day ABI - Palazzo Altieri Sala della Clemenza, Piazza del Gesù, 49 - Rome
- 5 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 5 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 5 Statistics Foreign workers' remittances Rome
- 6 Appointments Invitation to Palazzo Koch Roma
- 10 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 10 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 11 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Publications Survey on Inflation and Growth Expectations Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 18 Statistics Financial Accounts Rome
- 19 Publications Economic Bulletin Rome
- 19 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 22 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 22 -23 Conferences The Seventh Public Investors Conference BIS / World Bank / Bank of Canada / Banca d'Italia Rome
- 23 Statistics Bank Lending Survey (BLS): results for Italy Rome
- 24 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 25 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 26 Publications Payment System Rome
- 31 Statistics Other financial corporations Rome
- 31 Press releases €-coin indicator Rome
- 31 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 31 Statistics Sectoral balance sheets Rome
- 31 Statistics General government operations Rome
- 31 Publications Local Government Debt Rome
- 2 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 7 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 8 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 8 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 9 Conferences StaTalk on 'New Challenges in Official Statistics' Rome, Centro Congressi C.A. Ciampi - Via Nazionale, 190
- 9 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 12 Publications Business Outlook Survey of Industrial and Service Firms Rome
- 12 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 13 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 13 Publications Italy's technological balance of payments Rome
- 14 Publications Technology balance of payments - 2017 Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 -16 Conferences 1st Bank of Italy - World Bank International Research Workshop Rome
- 19 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 21 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 21 Publications Italian Housing Market Survey. Short-term Outlook Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 22 -23 Conferences XVIth ESCB Emerging Markets Workshop - Managing risks and policy challenges in an increasingly complex environment Centro Convegni Carlo A. Ciampi, Rome
- 23 Publications Financial Stability Report Rome
- 28 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 30 Press releases €-coin indicator Rome
- 30 Appointments TARGET Instant Payment Settlement launch event Centro Donato Menichella - Largo Guido Carli 1, Frascati (Rome)
- 30 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 3 Publications Ita-coin Rome
- 5 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 7 Publications Public Finance Statistics in the European Union Rome
- 7 Conferences Evolving landscapes of bank and non-bank finance Rome, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi conference centre
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 11 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 11 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 13 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 14 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 14 Statistics Direct investment by counterpart country - 2017 Rome
- 14 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 14 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 14 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 19 -20 Conferences Workshop on "Firm Dynamics and Economic Growth" Rome
- 20 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 20 Statistics Financial soundness indicators Rome
- 21 Press releases €-coin indicator Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 27 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 28 Statistics Italy - International investment position Rome
- 28 Statistics Italy - External debt Rome
- 31 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 31 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 31 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome