Secretary to the Governing Board

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Secretary to the Governing Board: Gian Luca Trequattrini

The Secretary to the Governing Board manages the institutional activity of the Governing Board; assists the Governor and the Senior Deputy Governor in drawing up organizational policies and, more generally, the Bank's organizational and management policies, coordinating all the projects assigned to him by the Governing Board; coordinates the Bank's safety and security policies; is responsible for the activities of the Secretariat to the Governing Board and of the Communications Directorate; is in charge of matters relating to ethics, anti-corruption and transparency.

Secretariat to the Governing Board

This directorate liaises between the Governing Board and the constitutional bodies, Italian authorities and institutions, the European Central Bank and other central banks, and with Italian and foreign economic and financial organizations.

The Secretariat carries out coordination and support activities for relations between the Bank's directorates and with associated bodies. It provides secretarial support to the Governing Board for the approval of measures of external significance, pursuant to Law 262/2005, in relation to the Bank's institutional duties.

It provides operational support for the Annual Shareholders Meeting, the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors. It prepares a report, presented to Parliament annually, on operations regarding the shareholdings in the Bank's capital. It assists the Board of Directors and the Governing Board in activities relating to the Bank's charitable grants and contributions to initiatives of public interest. It organizes the presentation of the Bank of Italy's Annual Report.

It directs and coordinates institutional activities in the field of climate change and sustainability, also by conducting studies and in-depth analyses. In addition, it collaborates with national and international institutions on these issues.

It manages and is responsible for certain processes classified as critical for the Bank's business continuity.

Number of employees: 120


Communications Directorate

It develops, promotes and implements the Bank's communications strategy.
Plans, designs and manages institutional communication initiatives through the various media.

The Directorate manages institutional and corporate communications and is responsible for promoting the Bank's image and providing information on its activities and lines of actions.

It manages the publishing and printing of publications.

It manages and is responsible for certain processes classified as critical for business continuity.

Number of employees: 95
