Opening hours to the general public

  • Monday to Friday - 8.15 am to 1.30 pm
  • Half holidays (5 February, 14 August, 24 and 31 December) - 8.15 am to 11.15 am.

The Branches are closed on Saturdays and Sundays and on 1 and 6 January, Easter Monday, 25 April, 1 May, 2 June, 15 August, 1 November, 8, 25 and 26 December.

Contact us

Piazza della Repubblica, 49 - 95131 (map)
tel. +39 095 7368111 - fax +39 095 539772
PEC: (this address only receives messages from certified email addresses 'Posta Elettronica Certificata' - PEC)

The Catania Branch provides the services listed below.

The Branch collaborates with the Palermo Branch in the supervision of banking groups and financial intermediaries namely those operating mainly at a local level.

Number of employees


Branch Manager

Gennaro Gigante


State Treasury service - Collections and payments

The Bank of Italy (the Bank) acts as State treasurer. It makes payments on account of general government bodies and collects amounts due to them. Citizens can receive wages and salaries and other payments from government bodies, pay what they owe to them on their own account or that of a third party, and obtain reports on the transactions carried out.

Issue and payment of BI cashier's cheques

This is the service that enables you to have Bank of Italy cashier's cheques issued or cashed. The cashier's cheque is an instrument issued by the Bank of Italy at the customer's request. It has the same status as a banker's draft or postal money order. Many of the Bank's cashier's cheques are issued at the request of the State Revenue Agency to refund income or other tax credits.

Checking suspected counterfeit notes

The service makes it possible to have suspected counterfeit notes examined; if they are found to be genuine, at the end of the examination reimbursement is given.

Exchange of banknotes and coins

The service will replace damaged euro notes and coins and change euro notes and coins for others of different denominations.

Access to the data of the Interbank Register of Bad Cheques and Payment Cards (CAI)

The Register enables you to check the data on you in its database, makes possible the monitoring of the regular circulation of bank and post office cheques and payment cards, and provides clarifications regarding the operation of the Register. The service is free of charge.

Access to Central Credit Register data

The Central Credit Register is an information system operated by the Bank of Italy that collects the data supplied by banks and financial companies on the credit they grant to their customers.

Submitting complaints

By submitting a complaint to the Bank of Italy, the customer can report behaviours on the part of banks and financial intermediaries that they deem to be irregular or wrong or irregularities in the information held in the Central Credit Register (CR) or in the Interbank Register of Bad Cheques and Payment Cards (CAI).

Appeal to the Banking and Financial Ombudsman

The Banking and Financial Ombudsman (ABF) is an alternative dispute resolution system for customer complaints about banks and other financial intermediaries. There are seven regional boards, located in Bari, Bologna, Milan, Naples, Palermo, Rome and Turin.

The Historical Archives

The service enables users to consult documents in the Historical Archives at the Bank of Italy's Headquarters and branches.