Agenda for Official Publications and statistics of the Bank of Italy, of conferences and seminars organized by the Bank, of national and international engagements of the members of the Bank.
- 4 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 5 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 7 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 11 Statistics Foreign workers' remittances Rome
- 11 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 12 G20 1st Framework Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 13 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 13 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 13 Publications Survey on Inflation and Growth Expectations Rome
- 13 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 14 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 15 Conferences Bank of Italy workshop on 'The crisis management framework for banks in the EU' Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Publications Economic Bulletin Rome
- 18 Publications Financial Accounts Rome
- 19 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 19 Statistics Bank Lending Survey (BLS): results for Italy Rome
- 21 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 21 -22 G20 1st Sherpa Meeting Video Conference
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 25 -26 G20 1st Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting G20 Priorities-related Symposium Video Conference
- 26 -27 G20 1st Health Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 28 -29 G20 1st Education Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 29 Statistics Other financial corporations Rome
- 29 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 29 Statistics Sectoral balance sheets Rome
- 29 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 29 Statistics General government operations Rome
- 3 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 4 G20 Infrastructure Working Group Workshop Video Conference
- 4 G20 Framework Working Group Workshop Video Conference
- 4 -5 G20 2nd Framework Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 4 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 5 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 5 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 5 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 5 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 5 -6 Conferences 27th Congress of ASSIOM FOREX Video conference
- 8 -9 G20 1st Digital Economy Task Force Meeting Video Conference
- 9 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 9 Appointments The Bank of Italy in conversation with academics Roma
- 9 G20 2nd Infrastructure Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 9 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 10 G20 1st Academics informal gathering Video Conference
- 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 15 -17 G20 1st Employment Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 17 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 18 -19 G20 2nd International Financial Architecture Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 19 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 22 -23 G20 1st Culture Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 22 Appointments Monetary policy strategy review - The Bank of Italy listens to the world of communications Evento online
- 22 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 24 -25 G20 1st Development Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 25 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 26 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 26 Publications Local Government Debt Rome
- 26 G20 1st Finance Ministers and Central Banks Governors Meeting Video Conference
- 2 -3 G20 1st Trade and Investment Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 3 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 3 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 3 Appointments The Bank of Italy in conversation with civil society Online event
- 4 -5 G20 1st Tourism Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 4 Publications Italian housing market surveyShort-term Outlook Rome
- 5 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 5 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 10 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 10 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 10 G20 Framework Working Group Seminar Video Conference
- 11 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 12 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 15 G20 Infrastructure Working Group Workshop Video Conference
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 18 G20 3rd Framework Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 22 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 22 Statistics Debt securities Rome
- 22 Statistics Financial soundness indicators Rome
- 22 -23 G20 1st Energy Transitions and Climate Sustainability Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 22 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 22 -23 G20 3rd Infrastructure Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 24 -25 G20 1st Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion Meeting Video Conference
- 24 G20 1st Environment Senior Officials' meeting Video Conference
- 24 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 24 -25 G20 3rd International Financial Architecture Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 24 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 25 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 25 G20 International Financial Architecture Workshop Video Conference
- 25 -26 G20 2nd Health Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 25 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 26 G20 1st Sustainable Finance Study Group Meeting Video Conference
- 29 -1 G20 1st Anti-Corruption Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 31 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 31 Publications Annual Accounts Roma
- 31 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 31 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 31 Appointments The Bank of Italy's Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Rome - Palazzo Koch, via Nazionale 91, at 9:30
- 31 Statistics Italy - International investment position Rome
- 31 Statistics Italy - External debt Rome
- 31 Publications Banks and financial institutions: branch network Rome
- 31 Publications National Resolution Fund - Annual Report 2020 Rome
- 1 -2 G20 2nd Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting Video Conference
- 2 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 2 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 7 G20 2nd Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting Video Conference
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 8 Statistics Foreign workers' remittances Rome
- 8 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 8 Conferences 2nd Research Workshop on Long-term investors trends: theory and practice Video Conference
- 9 G20 Culture Preparatory Meeting on Protection of Cultural Heritage and Fighting Illicit trafficking of cultural property Video Conference
- 12 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 12 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 12 Publications Survey on Inflation and Growth Expectations Rome
- 12 G20 Culture Preparatory Meeting on Addressing the Climate crisis through culture Video Conference
- 13 G20 Culture Preparatory Meeting on Building capacity through training and education Video Conference
- 13 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 14 Publications ECB Annual Report Frankfurt
- 14 -16 G20 2nd Employment Working Group Meeting Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 G20 1st Africa Advisory Group Meeting Video Conference
- 16 Publications Economic Bulletin Rome
- 19 -20 G20 1st Agriculture Deputies Meeting Rome
- 19 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 20 Statistics Bank Lending Survey (BLS): results for Italy Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 21 G20 Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) Meeting Rome
- 22 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 22 -23 G20 2nd Culture Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 22 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 26 -27 G20 2nd Energy Transitions and Climate Sustainability Working Group Meeting Rome
- 28 G20 2nd Environment Senior Officials' meeting Video Conference
- 29 G20 4th Framework Working Group meeting Video Conference
- 29 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 29 G20 2nd Tourism Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 30 G20 Infrastructure Working Group Workshop on Circular Economy Video Conference
- 30 Statistics General government operations Rome
- 30 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 30 Statistics Other financial corporations Rome
- 30 Publications Financial Stability Report Rome
- 30 Statistics Sectoral balance sheets Rome
- 3 G20 Culture Ministers' Meeting Rome
- 3 -4 G20 2nd Trade and Investment Working Group Meeting Rome
- 4 G20 Tourism Ministers' Meeting Video Conference
- 4 G20 Female talents' pipeline as the key to women's leadership Video Conference
- 5 -6 G20 4th Infrastructure Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 5 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 5 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 5 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 6 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 6 -7 G20 2nd Sherpa Meeting Turin
- 7 G20 Presentation event of the G20 TechSprint 2021 Webinar
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 10 G20 Towards a More Resilient International Financial Architecture Video Conference
- 11 G20 Second G20 Framework Working Group Seminar Video Conference
- 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 12 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 13 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 13 -14 G20 2nd Education Working Group Meeting Rome
- 13 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 14 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 14 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 14 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 14 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 17 -18 G20 3rd Digital Economy Task Force Meeting Video Conference
- 17 -18 G20 G20 Sustainable Finance Roundtable Video Conference
- 19 G20 2nd Academics informal gathering Rome
- 20 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 20 G20 4th International Financial Architecture (IFA) Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 20 -21 G20 3rd Employment Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 21 Publications Payment System Rome
- 21 G20 Global Health Summit Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 24 Publications Italian Housing Market Survey Short-term Outlook Rome
- 24 -25 G20 2nd Development Working Group Meeting Rome
- 25 G20 3rd meeting Video Conference
- 26 -27 G20 3rd Energy Transitions and Climate Sustainability Working Group Meeting Rome
- 28 G20 3rd Environment Deputy meeting Rome
- 31 Appointments Presentation of the 2020 Annual Report Rome, via Nazionale 91
- 31 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 31 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 1 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 1 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 1 G20 4rd Employment Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 3 G20 G20 Infrastructure Investors Dialogue: Financing Sustainable Infrastructure for the Recovery Video Conference
- 4 Publications Financial Accounts Rome
- 4 G20 G20 ETWG - CSWG extraordinary sessions - Negotiations on the Communiqué and outcome documents Video Conference
- 7 G20 5th Infrastructure Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 8 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 9 -10 G20 4th Environment Deputy Meeting Rome
- 9 -10 G20 5th Framework Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 10 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 11 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 11 G20 3rd Culture Working Group VTC Video Conference
- 11 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 14 G20 5th International Financial Architecture (IFA) Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 14 G20 G20 ETWG - CSWG extraordinary sessions - Negotiations on the Communiqué and outcome documents Video Conference
- 14 Publications Survey on International Merchandise Transport - 2020 Rome
- 15 G20 Extra Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting on Health Matters Video Conference
- 15 -16 G20 MACS - Meeting of Agriculture Chief Scientists Video Conference
- 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 15 G20 U20 Summit Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 16 G20 3rd Education Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 17 G20 IIF G20 Conference Video Conference
- 17 G20 Education - Employment Joint Working Group Video Conference
- 17 -18 G20 3rd Health Working Group Meeting Rome
- 17 -18 Conferences Banca d'Italia - CEPR Conference Rome
- 18 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 18 G20 5th Employment Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 18 G20 2nd Sustainable Finance Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 18 Publications Survey on "Italy - International tourism" Rome
- 21 Statistics Debt securities Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 21 Statistics Financial soundness indicators Rome
- 21 -22 G20 2nd Sherpa Meeting Video Conference
- 22 G20 Education Ministers' Meeting Catania
- 22 Publications Public Finance Statistics in the European Union Rome
- 23 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 23 G20 Labor and Employment Ministers' Meeting Catania
- 23 G20 Labor and Employment and Education Joint Ministerial Session Catania
- 23 G20 Extra Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting on the Venice International Conference on Climate Video Conference
- 24 -25 G20 2nd Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) Meeting Video Conference
- 24 G20 G20 ETWG - CSWG extraordinary sessions - Negotiations on the Communiqué and outcome documents Video Conference
- 24 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 25 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 29 G20 Foreign and Development Joint Ministerial Session and ad hoc Development Session Matera
- 29 G20 Foreign Affairs Ministers' Meeting Matera
- 30 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 30 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 30 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 30 G20 Ministerial Event on humanitarian assistance Brindisi
- 30 Statistics Italy - External debt Rome
- 30 Statistics Italy - International investment position Rome
- 1 Appointments Presentation of the IVASS Annual Report for 2020 Rome
- 1 -2 G20 3rd Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting Video Conference
- 1 Publications Survey of Industrial and Service Firms Rome
- 2 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 2 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 5 -8 G20 2nd Anti-Corruption Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 6 G20 Enabling women to lead the future Rome
- 7 G20 Public Health Workforce: A Laboratorium for improving training in prevention, preparedness, and response to health crises Video Conference
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 7 Statistics Foreign workers' remittances Rome
- 8 -9 G20 OECD Global Forum on Productivity Venice
- 9 G20 International Taxation Symposium Venice
- 9 G20 G20 ETWG - CSWG extraordinary sessions - Negotiations on the Communiqué and outcome documents Video Conference
- 9 -10 G20 3rd Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting Venice
- 11 G20 G20 Venice Conference on Climate Venice
- 12 -13 G20 2nd Sherpa Meeting Video Conference
- 12 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 12 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 12 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 12 Publications Survey on Inflation and Growth Expectations Rome
- 13 -14 G20 2nd Agriculture Deputies Meeting Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 16 Publications Economic Bulletin Rome
- 16 G20 4th Culture Working Group VTC Video Conference
- 16 Publications Financial Accounts Rome
- 16 G20 SFWG - Roadmap Consultation Video Conference
- 19 -23 G20 Y20 Summit Milan/Bergamo
- 20 Statistics Bank Lending Survey (BLS): results for Italy Rome
- 20 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 20 -21 G20 4th Energy Transitions and Climate Sustainability Working Group Meeting Naples
- 21 G20 4th Environment Deputy Meeting Naples
- 21 Milano Hub Launch event for Milano Hub: 21 July 2021 at 09.30 Milan
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 22 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 22 G20 Environment Ministers' Meeting Naples
- 23 G20 Climate and Energy Joint Ministerial Session Naples
- 27 -28 G20 3rd Development Working Group Meeting Rome
- 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 27 G20 3rd Sustainable Finance Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 29 -30 G20 Culture Ministers' Meeting Rome
- 30 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 30 Statistics Other financial corporations Rome
- 30 Statistics Sectoral balance sheets Rome
- 30 Statistics General government operations Rome
- 4 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 4 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 5 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 5 G20 Digital Economy and Research Joint Ministerial Session Trieste
- 5 G20 Digital Economy Ministers' Meeting Trieste
- 6 G20 Research Ministers' Meeting Trieste
- 6 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 6 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 10 Publications Italian Housing Market SurveyShort-term Outlook Rome
- 10 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 10 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 16 Publications The Public Finances, Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 16 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 16 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 16 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 19 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 23 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 24 G20 4th Health Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 26 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 26 G20 G20 Conference on Women's Empowerment Santa Margherita Ligure
- 31 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 1 -2 G20 MACS Seminars "Resilience and risks management" Video Conference
- 2 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 3 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 3 G20 COVID-19 and the need for action on mental health (G20 Health track side event) Rome
- 5 -6 G20 Health Ministers' Meeting Rome
- 7 G20 International Financial Architecture (IFA) Working Group - Seminar on Capital Flows Video Conference
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 7 G20 Public Health Workforce: A Laboratorium for improving training in prevention, preparedness, and response to health crises Video Conference
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 8 G20 6th International Financial Architecture (IFA) Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 8 G20 Finance and Health Informal Group Meeting Video Conference
- 9 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 9 -10 Conferences 4th Bank of Italy-CEPR Labour workshop Rome
- 9 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 9 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 11 Appointments Governor Visco speaks at Dante 2021 Festival: 'Notes on Dante's economy and events of our times' Antichi Chiostri Francescani, via Dante Alighieri 2/a - Ravenna
- 11 G20 FSB Steering Committee Meeting (TBC)
- 12 -14 G20 G20 Interfaith Forum Bologna
- 13 -14 G20 4th Development Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 13 -14 G20 4th G20 Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting at Naples Naples
- 13 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 -16 G20 3rd Sherpa Meeting Florence
- 15 -16 G20 6th Framework Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 15 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 16 G20 Open Forum on Sustainable Agriculture Florence
- 17 -18 Conferences Sixth ASE Annual Meeting Carlo Azeglio Ciampi center
- 17 -18 G20 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting Florence
- 17 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 17 G20 4th Sustainable Finance Working Group Meeting (TBC)
- 21 -22 Conferences Workshop on Measuring and Evaluating Public Administration Efficiency Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 21 Statistics Debt securities Rome
- 21 Statistics Financial soundness indicators Rome
- 22 -24 G20 S20 and SSH20 back-to-back Summits Rome
- 22 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 23 G20 7th International Financial Architecture (IFA) Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 23 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 24 G20 "Financing infrastructure for the recovery: the role of public-private cooperation to ensure a long-term sustainable growth" (TBC)
- 24 G20 5th Joint RFA Research Seminar Video Conference
- 27 -28 G20 International Webinar on 'Enhancing Digital and Global Infrastructures in Cross-border Payments' Webinar
- 27 Milano Hub Opening Call for Proposals - 2021 Milano Hub
- 27 G20 High Level Conference on Local Infrastructure Genoa
- 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 28 -29 G20 6th Infrastructure Working Group Meeting Genoa
- 28 -30 G20 3rd Anti-Corruption Working Group Meeting Rome
- 29 Conferences Sustainable Policy Institute Symposium - Revolutionising Finance For Net Zero Web
- 30 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 30 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 30 Sandbox Announcement of the dates for the first round of applications to the regulatory sandbox Rome
- 30 Statistics Italy - International investment position Rome
- 30 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 30 Statistics Italy - External debt Rome
- 1 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 1 G20 2nd Africa Advisory Group Meeting Video conference
- 1 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 4 -6 G20 T20 Summit Milan
- 4 -5 Appointments Symposium 'Coping with new (and old) vulnerabilities in the post-pandemic world' Rome
- 5 -8 G20 C20 Summit Rome
- 6 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 6 G20 3rd Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion Plenary Meeting Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 7 Statistics Foreign workers' remittances Rome
- 7 -8 G20 5th Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting - drafting Video Conference
- 7 -8 G20 B20 Summit Rome
- 9 -10 G20 G20 Innovation League Sorrento
- 10 -11 G20 3rd Trade and Investment Working Group Meeting Sorrento
- 11 -12 Conferences Global Value Chains: implications for firms' competitiveness, macroeconomics and trade policy Online Conference Rome
- 11 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 11 Publications Survey on Inflation and Growth Expectations Rome
- 11 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 12 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 12 G20 Trade Ministers' Meeting Sorrento
- 13 -15 G20 4th Sherpa Meeting Video Conference
- 13 G20 4th G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Washington Meeting Washington DC
- 15 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 18 Publications Financial Accounts Rome
- 19 -20 Conferences Banca d'Italia-Bank of England joint research conference on 'The macro-financial impacts of climate change and the net-zero transition' Milan (hybrid event)
- 19 -20 G20 Public Health Workforce: A Laboratorium for improving training in prevention, preparedness and response to health crises Video Conference
- 19 -22 Appointments Irving Fisher Committee workshop on "Data science in central banking" Roma
- 20 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 22 Publications Payment System Rome
- 22 Publications Economic Bulletin Rome
- 25 Appointments G20 TechSprint 2021 on Green and Sustainable Finance Awards Ceremony - at 12:00 p.m. Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia - Milano
- 25 G20 Consob Seminar: Regulating Innovation in the Financial System to Power a Resilient Recovery Rome
- 25 -26 Conferences The Effects of Insolvency, Zombie Firms, and Debt Overhang on the post COVID-19 Economy Held Online
- 25 Conferences 2nd Joint Bank of England - Banque de France - IMF - OECD - Banca d'Italia Workshop Paris
- 26 Statistics Bank Lending Survey (BLS): results for Italy Rome
- 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 27 G20 Joint Meeting of Sherpas and Finance Deputies Video Conference
- 27 -29 G20 5th Sherpa Meeting including a Joint Meeting with the Finance Deputies Rome
- 27 -28 G20 L20 Summit Rome
- 28 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 29 Publications Local Government Debt Rome
- 29 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 29 Statistics Other financial corporations Rome
- 29 Milano Hub Milano Hub Deadline Call for Proposals - 2021 Milano Hub
- 29 Statistics General government operations Rome
- 29 G20 Joint Finance and Health Ministers' Meeting (Finance Ministers in-person, Health Ministers on VTC) Rome
- 29 Statistics Sectoral balance sheets Rome
- 30 -31 G20 G20 LEADERS' SUMMIT Rome
- 4 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 4 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 4 -5 G20 G20 Data Gaps Initiative - Second phase Unknown
- 5 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 6 Appointments Giacomo Balla exhibition at the Milan branch Milan
- 8 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 8 Conferences 2021 Banca d'Italia Workshop on "Floating point acceleration for Computational Economics" online event
- 8 Conferences 7th Joint Bank of England - Banque de France - Banca d'Italia International Macroeconomic Workshop London
- 8 Publications Business Outlook Survey of Industrial and Service Firms Rome
- 10 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 10 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 10 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 10 G20 6th Employment Working Group Meeting Video Conference
- 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Sandbox Opening of the application window for the first cohort of the regulatory sandbox Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 17 Publications Italian Housing Market SurveyShort-term Outlook Rome
- 19 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 19 Publications Financial Stability Report Rome
- 22 Conferences Banca d'Italia-Monetary Authority of Singapore joint webinar on Cross-Border Interlinking of Fast Payment Systems Webinar
- 22 Publications Fintech Survey Rome
- 22 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 23 Conferences Fifteenth Paolo Baffi Lecture on Money and Finance Via Nazionale, 91 Rome
- 26 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 26 Appointments Ignazio Visco addresses the AEDBF Italy Annual Conference Milan branch of the Bank of Italy
- 30 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 1 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 2 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 2 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 3 Publications Public Finance Statistics in the European Union Rome
- 3 Conferences Banca d'Italia-OECD Workshop Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 9 Publications Technology balance of payments Rome
- 9 -10 Conferences International research conference on: "New challenges facing firms in the post-Covid world" Online
- 10 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 10 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 13 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 16 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 16 -17 Conferences Seventh Conference on Household Finance and Consumption Online
- 16 -17 Conferences 11th Workshop on 'Exchange Rates' Online
- 17 Publications Macroeconomic projections for the Italian economy Rome
- 17 Statistics Direct investment by counterpart country Rome
- 20 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 20 Publications Credit supply and demand in the macro-regions Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 21 Statistics Debt securities Rome
- 21 Statistics Financial soundness indicators Rome
- 29 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 30 Statistics Italy - External debt Rome
- 30 Statistics Italy - International investment position Rome
- 31 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 31 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 31 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 31 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 31 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome