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Research done:find elements

Working Papers (Temi di discussione)
where there are the words
In the title and summary
with date
between 1893 and 2003

found 486 items.

  1. No. 56 - Appraising the American Fiscal Stance and Uncertainties over the Economic Recovery of the United States Data di pubblicazione:30 November 1985 Two pieces on current policy issuesby Edmund S. Phelps
  2. No. 55 - A system for short-term forecasting for industrial production Data di pubblicazione:30 November 1985 by Giorgio Bodo and Luigi Federico Signorini
  3. No. 54 - Employment and wages in the public sector Data di pubblicazione:31 October 1985 by Paola Giucca and Giancarlo Salvemini
  4. No. 53 - The trend in exchange rates and interventions Data di pubblicazione:31 October 1985 by Lorenzo Bini Smaghi
  5. No. 52 - New forms of accumulation in Italian industry Data di pubblicazione:30 September 1985 by Fabrizio Barca and Marco Magnani
  6. No. 51 - Community legislation, banking regulations and autonomous provinces Data di pubblicazione:31 August 1985 by Francesco Capriglione
  7. No. 50 - Two bio-bibliographical pieces on Piero Sraffa Data di pubblicazione:31 August 1985 by Luigi Pasinetti
  8. No. 49 - Determining the real dollar/mark exchange rate using an 'eclectic' model Data di pubblicazione:31 July 1985 by Juan Carlos Martinez Oliva and Salvatore Rebecchini
  9. No. 48 - Wage indexation income and inflation Data di pubblicazione:30 June 1985 by Luigi Guiso
  10. No. 47 - Households' saving and the real rate of interest: the Italian experience, 1970-1983 Data di pubblicazione:31 May 1985 by E. Lecaldano Sasso la Terza, G. Marotta and R. S. Masera

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