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Research done:find elements

Working Papers (Temi di discussione)
where there are the words
In the title and summary
with date
between 1893 and 2003

found 486 items.

  1. No. 66 - Twenty years of bank margins Data di pubblicazione:31 July 1986 by Marco Onado
  2. No. 65 - An increasing role for the ECU: a character in search of a script Data di pubblicazione:30 June 1986 by Rainer S. Masera
  3. No. 64 - Financial innovation in Italy: a lopsided process Data di pubblicazione:31 May 1986 by Cesare Caranza and Carlo Cottarelli
  4. No. 63 - The effectiveness of macropolicies in small open-economy dynamic aggregative models Data di pubblicazione:31 May 1986 by Edmund S. Phelps
  5. No. 62 - Problems with and policies for technological innovation in Italian industry Data di pubblicazione:31 March 1986 by Salvatore Chiri
  6. No. 61 - Four arguments for how the public finances can recover in Italy Data di pubblicazione:31 March 1986 by Rainer S. Masera
  7. No. 60 - The structure of and the prospects for the Italian payments system Data di pubblicazione:28 February 1986 by Daniele Qualeatti
  8. No. 59 - The tax structure and the economic structure: the lvey on firms Data di pubblicazione:28 February 1986 by Antonio Di Majo
  9. No. 58 - The balance of payments in the United States and the dollar exchange rate Data di pubblicazione:31 January 1986 by Lorenzo Bini Smaghi
  10. No. 57 - Why do we need a Central Bank? Data di pubblicazione:31 January 1986 by Charles Goodhart

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