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Research done:find elements

Working Papers (Temi di discussione)
where there are the words
In the title and summary
with date
between 1893 and 1999

found 364 items.

  1. No. 34 - The additivity condition in the estimation of simultaneous equation systems Data di pubblicazione:31 August 1984 by Carlo A. Bollino
  2. No. 33 - Short-term interest rate linkages between the United States and Europe Data di pubblicazione:31 August 1984 by Stefano Micossi and Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa
  3. No. 32 - An econometric survey on national consumption (1972-1981) Data di pubblicazione:31 August 1984 by Giuseppe Marotta
  4. No. 31 - Aggregate functions for investment Data di pubblicazione:31 August 1984 by Marco Magnani and Roberto Valcamonici
  5. No. 30 - The public budget for the five years 1984-88: some simulations Data di pubblicazione:31 July 1984 by Giancarlo Morcaldo and Giancarlo Salvemini
  6. No. 29 - Real balances, the exchange rate, and indexation: real variables in disinflation Data di pubblicazione:30 June 1984 by Stanley Fischer
  7. No. 28 - Public demand for Treasury bills (BOTs) Data di pubblicazione:30 April 1984 by Emerico A. Zautzik
  8. No. 27 - The use of discriminant analysis for predicting insolvencies: hypotheses and tests for dynamic analysis Data di pubblicazione:31 March 1984 by Sandro Appetiti
  9. No. 26 - Payroll employment income in the Bank of Italy's sample surveys from 1972 to 1981: evolution and determinants Data di pubblicazione:31 December 1983 by Rocco A. Pirrotta and Giorgio Zen
  10. No. 25 - The international activity of Italian banks: statistical information Data di pubblicazione:30 November 1983 by Gennaro Giordano

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