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Research done:find elements

Working Papers (Temi di discussione)
where there are the words
In the title and summary
with date
between 1893 and 1999

found 364 items.

  1. No. 24 - Costs and margins in hte Italian bankng system: a comparative analysis Data di pubblicazione:30 June 1983 by Franco Passacantando
  2. No. 23 - The trend in the degree of risk in banking Data di pubblicazione:30 June 1983 by Anna Maria Giannoni
  3. No. 22 - The national accounts and the capital position of special credit institutions: 1975-1981 Data di pubblicazione:30 June 1983 by Daniele Franco
  4. No. 21 - The performance of bank profits compared with the economic cycle Data di pubblicazione:30 June 1983 by Valeria Sannucci
  5. No. 20 - Business size, costs and efficiency in the Italian banking system Data di pubblicazione:30 June 1983 by Claudio Conigliani
  6. No. 19 - Objectives and tools for structural supervision Data di pubblicazione:30 June 1983 by Giulio Lanciotti
  7. No. 18 - Banks' assessment of customers' reliability: criteria and operational practices Data di pubblicazione:30 June 1983 by Pierluigi Ciocca
  8. No. 17 - The opinion of financial firms on bank credit: a summary of the results from a sample survey Data di pubblicazione:30 June 1983 by Carla Nanni
  9. No. 16 - Changes to the structure of world trade and the 'Italian position' Data di pubblicazione:31 March 1983 by F. Pierelli
  10. No. 15 - Interpretations of the Adjusted Monetary Base: theoretical aspects and its application to the Italian case Data di pubblicazione:31 December 1982 by E. A. Zautzik

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