Public Key Infrastructure

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Qualified Electronic Signature

The Bank of Italy is a Qualified Trust Service Provider for the issue of qualified electronic signature certificates in accordance with Regulation EU 910/2014  (eIDAS - electronic IDentification, Authentication and Signature) and is registered in the Trusted List, managed by AgID, that contains the Italian qualified Providers.

The qualified electronic signature has the equivalent legal effect of a handwritten signature.

Certificates are issued to employees of the Bank of Italy for needs connected with working procedures and to institutional interlocutors' representatives, in quite special cases, only to be used in dealings with the Bank of Italy (in compliance with D.lgs. 82/2005 “Codice dell'amministrazione digitale”, art. 34, clause 1).

In the following section of this page there is the document with the rules and requirements to use electronic certificates in different contests and with the obligations and responsibilities of the Bank of Italy and subscribers, the physical and logical security measures and the procedures to manage the certificates’ lifecycle (Certification Practice Statement/ Certificate Policy – CPS/CP). A summary of this document is the PKI Disclosure Statement.

firma digitale

Authentication and encryption

The Bank of Italy also issues not qualified certificates, with reference to the Regulation EU 910/2014, to the same subjects to whom the Bank of Italy issues signature certificates.

Authentication certificates allows to identify subjects when they log databases or information systems; encryption certificates guarantee data confidentiality.

Rules and requirements on this service are in the documents available in the following section.


CPS, CP and application forms for qualified certificates for electronic signatures

Certificate of Certification Authority - Qualified electronic signature

Trusted list

The Trusted List managed by AgID contains the Italian Qualified Trust Service Providers.

CPS, CP and application forms for authentication and encryption certificates

Certificate of the Certification Authority (CA) - Authentication and encryption