Supervisory registers and lists

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By publishing the 'Supervisory registers and lists' the Bank of Italy meets its public disclosure obligations under the Consolidated Laws on banking and finance. These statutory obligations are linked to the Bank of Italy’s role as supervisor of banks and financial intermediaries.

For public service purposes, the publication includes data strictly contained in the registers, such as:

  • registration numbers
  • names of intermediaries/banks and so on
  • registered offices and administrative headquarters
  • registration and deletion dates

and more detailed information.

The activities conducted by the intermediaries and branches are listed; the data are organized in such a way as to enable users to consult past data using different search criteria.

It is also possible to find records of the changes made to the registers following enrolments, deletions and changes in the names or compositions of groups.

The exercise of banking or financial activities without authorization/enrolments in the relevant statutory registers is punishable under criminal law.

From 3 March 2021, the consultation service for the 'Supervisory registers and lists' provides new intuitive search options, with an updated graphic design, for immediate use. The wide range of information available, including historical data, and the advanced search terms remain unchanged.

Supervisory registers and lists