Agenda for Official Publications and statistics of the Bank of Italy, of conferences and seminars organized by the Bank, of national and international engagements of the members of the Bank.
- 5 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 5 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 5 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 9 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 9 Statistics Foreign workers' remittances Rome
- 11 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 12 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 12 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 13 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 16 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 16 Publications Financial Accounts Rome
- 16 Publications Survey on Inflation and Growth Expectations Rome
- 16 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 16 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 16 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 19 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 20 Publications Economic Bulletin Rome
- 23 Appointments Governor Visco at the meeting "Le sfide dell'economia italiana nell'attuale contesto europeo" Rome - Palazzo Rospigliosi
- 23 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 25 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 27 Publications The wealth of Italy's institutional sectors Rome
- 31 Statistics Other financial corporations Rome
- 31 Statistics General government operations Rome
- 31 Statistics Sectoral balance sheets Rome
- 31 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 31 Statistics Bank Lending Survey (BLS): results for Italy Rome
- 2 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 3 -4 Conferences 29th Congress of ASSIOM FOREX Hybrid event
- 3 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 3 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 9 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 9 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 10 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 11 Appointments Governor Visco addresses The Warwick Economics Summit 2023 Coventry, UK
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 16 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 17 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 17 Conferences TRASPI: The transformations of the Italian productive system through the analysis of administrative (micro)data - Final Wokshop Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 22 -25 Appointments 1st G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Bangalore Meeting Bangalore, India
- 22 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 24 Publications Local Government Debt Rome
- 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 28 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 1 Appointments Governor Visco gives a lecture at Frankfurt school of Finance & Management Frankfurt
- 2 Publications Italian Housing Market Survey Short-term Outlook Rome
- 2 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 3 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 6 Appointments Speech by the Deputy Governor Piero Cipollone at the OMFIF Seminar on 'NGEU recovery, resilience and fund disbursement' Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 9 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 9 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 10 Appointments Speech by the Deputy Governor Angelini at the Conference 'The New Frontiers of Digital Finance' Rome - Auditorium
- 10 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 16 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 21 Statistics Financial soundness indicators Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 22 Statistics Debt securities Rome
- 22 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 23 Appointments Governor Visco at International Atlantic Economic Conference Rome
- 23 -24 Conferences Conference on ESG and the climate imperative: Regulatory and policy challenges for the banking sector Florence
- 24 Publications The labour market: data and analysis Rome
- 27 Appointments Inauguration of the first remote laboratory for access to elementary data Rome
- 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 29 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 29 -1 Conferences IARIW - Bank of Italy Conference Naples
- 30 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 30 Publications Report on sustainable investments and climate-related risks Rome
- 31 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 31 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 31 Statistics Italy - External debt Rome
- 31 Appointments Governor Ignazio Visco at the IARIW - Bank of Italy Conference on 'Central Banks, Financial Markets, And Inequality' Naples Branch
- 31 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 31 Appointments The Bank of Italy's General Meeting of Shareholders Rome - Palazzo Koch, via Nazionale 91, at 10,00 CEST
- 31 Publications Banks and financial institutions: branch network Rome
- 31 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 31 Statistics Italy - International investment position Rome
- 3 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 6 Publications Survey on Inflation and Growth Expectations Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 7 Statistics Foreign workers' remittances Rome
- 7 Publications Economic Bulletin Rome
- 10 -16 Appointments 2023 Spring Meetings World Bank and International Monetary Fund Washington, DC
- 12 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 12 -13 Appointments 2nd G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting in Washington, DC Washington, DC
- 12 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 14 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 14 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 14 Conferences Speech by Piero Cipollone at the Conference Towards PSD3: the Dynamics of Digitalized Payment Services Market - Roma Tre University Sala del Consiglio (1st floor) - Law Department , Roma Tre University - via Ostiense, 159 - Rome
- 14 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 14 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 14 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 18 Appointments Governor Ignazio Visco speaks on 'Europe and Italy: prosperity in union and peace' Roma
- 19 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 20 Appointments Ignazio Visco - Lecture at the OMFIF 14:15 - 15:15 (London time) London, OMFIF
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 26 -27 Conferences The use of surveys for monetary and economic policy Rome
- 28 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 28 Statistics General government operations Rome
- 28 Statistics Sectoral balance sheets Rome
- 28 Statistics Other financial corporations Rome
- 28 Publications Financial Stability Report Rome
- 2 Statistics Bank Lending Survey (BLS): results for Italy Rome
- 4 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 4 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 4 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 5 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 8 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 10 Appointments Speech by Piero Cipollone at the Global Annual Symposium 'Central Banks and Digital Currencies' at the OMFIF Plaisterers' Hall, One London Wall, Londra- ore 11,00
- 10 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 10 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 11 -13 Appointments G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting in Niigata, Japan Niigata
- 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 17 Appointments Milano Hub - Call for Proposals 2022: selected projects to be announced on 17 May Milan IBM Studios
- 19 Publications The labour market: data and analysis - May 2023 Rome
- 19 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 22 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 23 Publications Italian Housing Market Survey Short-term Outlook Rome
- 23 Publications Payment System Rome
- 23 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 24 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 25 Appointments Speach by Piero Cipollone at the World Forum of Central Security Depositories Prague
- 25 Publications ECB Annual Report for 2022 Frankfurt am Main
- 30 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 31 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 31 Appointments Annual Report for 2022. The Governor's Concluding Remarks Rome, via Nazionale 91
- 31 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 31 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 6 Publications Financial Accounts Rome
- 6 Conferences Bank of Italy - Istat workshop on 'The long view: the demographic dividend in the analysis of the Italian economy' - 6 June 2023 Rome, Bank of Italy - Centro Convegni 'Carlo Azeglio Ciampi'
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 8 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 8 Publications Survey on International Merchandise Transport Rome
- 12 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 12 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 13 Publications Public Finance Statistics in the European Union Rome
- 13 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 15 -16 Conferences Workshop on 'Trade, value chains and financial linkages in the global economy' Rome, Bank of Italy
- 15 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 16 Publications Macroeconomic projections for the Italian economy Rome
- 20 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 21 Statistics Debt securities Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 21 Statistics Financial soundness indicators Rome
- 22 Conferences Conference "Women, labour markets and economic growth" Rome
- 23 Conferences Gender Economics Workshop Rome
- 26 Conferences Alessandra Perrazzelli at the Point Zero Forum Zurich
- 26 Appointments 4th LTI@UniTO and Bank of Italy Workshop: Long-term investors' trends: theory and practice Turin
- 28 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 28 Publications Survey on International Tourism Rome
- 29 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 30 Statistics Italy - International investment position Rome
- 30 Publications Survey of Industrial and Service Firms Rome
- 30 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 30 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 30 Statistics Italy - External debt Rome
- 30 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 4 Appointments Presentation of the FIU Annual Report for 2022 Rome
- 5 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 5 Appointments Speech by Ignazio Visco at the Annual Meeting of the Italian Banking Association (ABI) - 2023 Ore 10:00 - Auditorium della Tecnica - Viale Umberto Tupini 65, Roma
- 5 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 5 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 7 Statistics Foreign workers' remittances Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 10 Publications Survey on Inflation and Growth Expectations Rome
- 11 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
- 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 11 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 14 -18 G20 G7/G20 - Meetings of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in Gandhinagar Gandhinagar, India
- 14 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
- 14 Publications Economic Bulletin Rome
- 14 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 14 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 14 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 17 Publications Financial Accounts Rome
- 20 Publications Surveys on Financial Literacy and Digital Financial Skills in Italy: Adults Rome
- 20 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 21 Publications The Environment Report Rome
- 25 Statistics Bank Lending Survey (BLS): results for Italy Rome
- 26 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 27 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 31 Statistics General government operations Rome
- 31 Statistics Other financial corporations Rome
- 31 Statistics Sectoral balance sheets Rome
- 31 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 3 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 3 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 8 Publications Italian Housing Market Survey Short-term Outlook Rome
- 9 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 9 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 10 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 16 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 16 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 16 Publications The Public Finances, Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 16 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 22 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 28 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 31 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 1 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 1 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 6 Conferences Governor Ignazio Visco at the event 'The future of inflation', The Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) 4.00 p.m., ISPI, Palazzo Clerici, via Clerici 5, Milan
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 11 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 11 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 12 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 14 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 18 -19 Appointments 6th Bank of Italy-CEPR Labour workshop: Labour market policies and institutions Rome
- 19 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 21 Statistics Financial soundness indicators Rome
- 21 Statistics Debt securities Rome
- 26 -27 Conferences Peer-to-Peer Financial Systems Workshop Rome, Bank of Italy - Centro Convegni 'Carlo Azeglio Ciampi'
- 27 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 28 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 29 Appointments Governor addresses the Annual Meeting of the Associazione per la Storia economica (ASE) Naples
- 29 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 29 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 29 Statistics Italy - International investment position Rome
- 29 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 29 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 29 Statistics Italy - External debt Rome
- 29 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 30 Appointments Governor Visco at the 'Giornate di Economia' in memory of Marcello De Cecco Lanciano (Chieti)
- 3 Appointments Luigi Federico Signorini speaks at the 2023 Insurance Summit Rome
- 6 Statistics Foreign workers' remittances Rome
- 6 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 6 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 6 Conferences 4th Joint Bank of England - Banque de France - IMF - OECD - Banca d'Italia Workshop Rome
- 7 -14 Appointments «è cultura!» - The Bank of Italy opens its offices to the public Banca d'Italia
- 9 -15 G20 World Bank, IMF, G7, and G20 meetings in Marrakech Marrakech, Morocco
- 10 Publications Survey on Inflation and Growth Expectations Rome
- 10 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 10 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 12 -15 Appointments The Bank of Italy opens its offices to the public Bank of Italy
- 13 Publications Economic Bulletin Rome
- 16 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 16 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 16 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 16 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 16 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 16 Publications Financial Accounts Rome
- 17 -19 Conferences 3rd IFC Workshop on Data Science in Central Banking Rome, Bank of Italy
- 18 Appointments Governor Visco's remarks at the Executive Committee of the Italian Banking Association (ABI) 10:00 am - Rome
- 19 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 20 Conferences SSM Regulation, ten years since Centro Convegni Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and online on Webex Platform
- 24 Statistics Bank Lending Survey (BLS): results for Italy Rome
- 24 Publications Payment System Rome
- 25 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 26 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Athens
- 27 Publications Local Government Debt Rome
- 31 Statistics General government operations Rome
- 31 Statistics Other financial corporations Rome
- 31 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 31 Appointments 'The Adventure of Money' exhibition Palazzo delle Esposizioni Roma - side entrance on via Milano, 9A
- 31 Statistics Sectoral balance sheets Rome
- 3 Sandbox Opening of the application window for the first cohort of the regulatory sandbox Rome
- 6 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 6 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 6 Publications Business Outlook Survey of Industrial and Service Firms Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 8 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 8 Appointments Alessandra Perrazzelli at the Financial System Conference 2023 Dublin
- 9 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
- 10 Conferences Conference "The European Anti-Money Laundering Authority: goals, prospects and challenges" Rome, Centro Convegni Carlo Azeglio Ciampi
- 10 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 10 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 10 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 14 -15 Appointments Perrazzelli at the Singapore FinTech Festival Singapore
- 15 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 15 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 16 -17 Conferences Annual Workshop: ESCB Research Cluster 2 London
- 17 Conferences ECD-Bank of Italy Symposium on Financial Literacy and Empowerment: Data, Policies and Evaluation Salone Margherita - Via dei Due Macelli, 75 - Rome - Italy
- 17 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 22 Publications Italian Housing Market Survey Short-term Outlook Rome
- 22 -24 Conferences Salone dei Pagamenti 2023 Milan, Allianz MICO
- 22 Conferences Sixteenth Paolo Baffi Lecture on Money and Finance Via Nazionale, 91 Rome
- 23 Appointments Keynote speech by Governor Panetta at the CEPR-ECB 2023 conference "The macroeconomic implications of central bank digital currencies" Frankfurt am Main - Hybrid event
- 24 Publications Financial Stability Report Rome
- 28 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
- 29 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 30 Conferences Seminar 'The Transition to Electric Vehicles' Turin, Auditorium Vivaldi - Piazza Carlo Alberto, 3 - 2:30 pm
- 30 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 30 Appointments Address by Governor Panetta at the conference 'The Cooperative Banking Group: opportunities and challenges of a new banking model' Rome
- 1 Conferences 9th BdF-BoE-BdI International Macroeconomics Workshop on "Macroeconomic policy in open economies" London
- 1 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
- 1 Press releases €-coin Rome
- 5 Sandbox Closing of the application window for the first cohort of the regulatory sandbox Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
- 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
- 11 Publications Public Finance Statistics in the European Union Rome
- 11 -12 Conferences Legal conference 'A 30 anni dal Testo unico bancario (1993-2023): the test of time' Carlo Azeglio Ciampi Conference Centre - Roma Tre University
- 11 -12 Conferences International research conference on Firm Financing, Organization and Dynamics: "Adapting to a riskier and more fragmented world" Bank of Italy "Sala Emeroteca" - via Nazionale 91, Rome
- 11 Appointments Welcome address by Alessandra Perrazzelli at the MF Banking & Fintech Day Ore 10.00 - Live event
- 11 Appointments Alessandra Perrazzelli speaks at the conference 'New Frontiers in Banking and Capital Markets' Sapienza University of Rome - Faculty of Economics
- 12 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
- 12 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
- 12 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
- 14 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
- 14 Publications Technology balance of payments Rome
- 15 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
- 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
- 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
- 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
- 15 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
- 18 Statistics Direct investment by counterpart country Rome
- 20 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
- 21 Statistics Debt securities Rome
- 21 Statistics Financial soundness indicators Rome
- 29 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 29 Statistics Italy - International investment position Rome
- 29 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
- 29 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
- 29 Statistics Italy - External debt Rome