The Bank of Italy maintains and updates this website to ensure wide and easy access to information of public interest. The Bank may occasionally issue technical notices based on new information in order to assist users. These notices are in no way intended to rate products and/or companies mentioned on the site and users have sole responsibility for their use of such products and for any arrangements they may enter into with the companies concerned.
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The Bank of Italy publishes its legislative and regulatory measures on this website. Pursuant to Article 32 of Law 69/2009 such publication is legally effective publication, without prejudice to any legal obligations to publish in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica italiana and the Official Journal of the European Union, which are unaffected. For the documents in question, the Bank of Italy uses appropriate forms of technical protection, the application of digital signatures to PDF files, to guarantee their origin and integrity.
The Bank accepts no responsibility or liability for any losses incurred as a result of using the material (data, information, software, etc.) on this website. The Bank does not accept responsibility for the content of linked external sites; these links are provided as a service to users and their presence does not imply approval or control of the related websites by the Bank. Any hyperlinks to the Bank's website from other websites do not imply approval or control of their content by the Bank.
The Bank of Italy uses the social media platforms YouTube, Twitter, and Linkedin to inform the public about its institutional activities, promote events of general interest and share documents from its website. The content published on the Bank's social media channels (texts, photographs, videos, and other multimedia items) may be freely redistributed but the original source must be cited. The Bank of Italy endeavours to keep the information up to date and correct, but it takes no responsibility for any incorrect or no longer current information or for any malfunctions that may occur on its social media channels.