Banca d'Italia for cybersecurity

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Information and communication technologies play a central role in the routine activities of the general public, businesses, and public and private institutions.

Widespread digitization of the financial sector has a direct bearing on all operators and their supporting infrastructures, the means by which financial services are distributed and accessed, and on user habits.

Digitization also makes the financial system and its users more exposed to cyber risk, as it increases the likelihood of mere accidents, errors and malfunctions, but also of system abuse, fraud attempts and cyberattacks, all of which can have adverse effects on the proper functioning of the system.

Banca d'Italia and the other sector authorities are committed to ensuring that financial system services are available, function properly and are secure, even where these types of risks are present.


  1. 23 December 2024 Communication to the market on ICT security Banca d'Italia has published a communication to the market on ICT security, drawing the attention of directly supervised entities to the digital operational resilience and ICT risk profiles. Financial entities are asked to assess their status with…
  2. 23 October 2024 Revised Eurosystem cyber resilience strategy The Eurosystem has updated its cyber resilience strategy for financial market infrastructures (FMIs), first adopted in 2017, with the objective of enhancing the security of the European financial ecosystem in light of the increased interdependencies, new…
