The data on the sample survey on international tourism at Italy's borders are published as Excel tables since 2018 and can be downloaded directly from this section of the website. As this is a sample survey, the trade-off between level of detail and precision of the estimates must be taken into account when using the information made available. Consequently, the survey is reliable both for analyses at macro level and for more detailed ones, as long as these estimates are limited to the largest segments in the international tourism sector.

This page contains:

  • three tables, published monthly, on total tourism expenditure, number of travellers and number of overnight stays (since 2024; previous data only in Italian);
  • thirty-two tables, published quarterly, broken down by country (country of origin of foreign travellers and country of destination of Italian travellers) or region (region visited by foreign travellers and region of residence of Italian travellers) or by reason for travel or type of accommodation used (only in Italian);
  • the annual time series since 1997 with the same breakdown as the quarterly tables (only in Italian).

The survey on Italy's international tourism was suspended between March and June 2020 because of the COVID-19 emergency; it resumed gradually in the following months. The estimates for that period were made using alternative sources, mainly mobile phone data and payment card transactions. This made it impossible to collect information with the usual level of detail. Some of the tables on 2020, therefore, are not as detailed as usual. For a description of the sources of data and methodology used in the period in which the survey was suspended see 'Statistical outputs during the COVID-19 emergency: 'travel' estimates in the balance of payments'(only in Italian).

Monthly data