Microdata distributionItalian Housing Market Survey Short-term Outlook

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Microdata are available through the REX remote execution system, accessible upon application approval. Authorized users can then submit programs following the User Guide.

Authors who refer in their publications to results obtained with REX are required to adhere to the following example when citing the source both in data description and under charts and tables: "Source: Bank of Italy, Italian Housing Market Survey Short-term Outlook, [2010Q1-2021Q4]". This shall not in any way imply the involvement of the Bank of Italy, given that the use of the data is under the full and sole responsibility of the author. In order to collect bibliographic material coming from the use of data through REX, users are kindly requested to fill in the publication form.

For assistance or further info concerning the microdata, please write to RemoteExecution@bancaditalia.it.

For technical assistance on how to access the REX application please refer to autoregistrazione@bancaditalia.it


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