Banca d'Italia's laboratory (LabBI)On-site laboratory for research on microdata

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LabBI is Banca d'Italia's laboratory in Rome where authorized researchers, working on a research project approved by the Research Data Center (RDC), can view and process microdata directly.

To obtain access to labBI, please read the page on how to access microdata. More restrictive rules apply to banking data, which can only be accessed by researchers who are employees (e.g. as opposed to students) of a research organization that has signed a data access agreement with Banca d'Italia.

The following databases are available at labBI:


The laboratory is isolated from the outside and equipped with processing software. At the end of the project, researchers save their output so it can be checked by RDC staff before it is released. LabBI is located at the RDC premises inside Banca d'Italia in Rome, at via Nazionale 187. It is accessible to people with physical disabilities.

On-site access to workstations is allowed during laboratory working days and hours. Booking is required through the RDC app as per the instructions emailed to authorized users.

Please write to for assistance or further information.

Please contact for technical assistance on how to access the Research Data Center.