Microdata of Cross-Border Transactions in services by non-financial and insurance firmsSurvey on cross-border transactions in services by non-financial and insurance firms (Direct Reporting)
Vai alla versione italiana Site SearchThe Survey on cross-border transactions in services by non-financial and insurance firms (Direct Reporting) gathers information on international trade operations and foreign financial stocks of non-financial firms to compile Italy's balance of payments and international investment position. The data are collected quarterly since 2013. This database contains the data on international trade in services reported by non-financial and insurance firms and gathered through the questionnaire on non-financial quarterly transactions (Transazioni Trimestrali Non Finanziarie, TTN - only in Italian). The sample of firms is drawn from the list of limited companies registered with the Italian Chambers of Commerce with a turnover of more than ten million euros. It excludes smaller firms and firms that are not required to prepare a financial statement, such as sole proprietorships.
The microdata can be accessed through:
- the REX remote processing system;
- the laboratory at Banca d'Italia's premises.
To use the microdata, you need to submit a research project and follow specific access rules.
In order to allow Banca d'Italia to collect bibliographic material resulting from the use of the microdata, you are required to fill in the publication form. Authors must cite the source in their publications, both in the data description section and under charts and figures. How to cite the database: 'Source: Bank of Italy, Survey on cross-border transactions in services by non-financial and insurance firms - Direct Reporting, [2015-2021]'.
For assistance or further info concerning the microdata, please write to ricerca.microdati@bancaditalia.it.
- Application form (Annex B)pdf 1021.2 KB Publish date::09 January 2025
- Publication form
Variable description
- Dataset handbookpdf 951.4 KB Publish date::09 January 2025
- Variable list (MS Excel format)zip 26.4 KB Publish date::09 January 2025
Examples of data use
REX currently supports Stata and R.
Some simple examples are given here of calculations based on survey data. The aim of these examples is to show the use of the main variables available in the dataset.
The content of the examples can easily be transferred to a word-processing environment by using the cut and paste function.
- Examples of data use: Statapdf 486.2 KB Publish date::09 January 2025
- Examples of data use: Rpdf 482.8 KB Publish date::09 January 2025