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Research done:find elements

Working Papers (Temi di discussione)
where there are the words
In the title and summary
with date
between 1893 and 2000

found 391 items.

  1. No. 291 - The effects of the public budget on economic activity in the short term Data di pubblicazione:31 December 1996 an assessment using the Bank of Italy's quarterly econometric modelby Sandro Momigliano and Stefano Siviero
  2. No. 290 - Where Do Migrants Go? Risk-Aversion, Mobility Costs and the Locational Choice of Migrants Data di pubblicazione:31 December 1996 by Francesco Daveri and Riccardo Faini
  3. No. 289 - Investment and Demand Uncertainty Data di pubblicazione:30 November 1996 by Luigi Guiso and Giuseppe Parigi
  4. No. 288 - Financial intermediation, information sharing and incentives for monitoring Data di pubblicazione:30 November 1996 by Paolo Emilio Mistrulli
  5. No. 287 - The strategic behaviour of specialists in government securities Data di pubblicazione:30 November 1996 by Maurizio Ordine and Antonio Scalia
  6. No. 286 - Using microdata on firms for economic analysis Data di pubblicazione:30 November 1996 by Luigi Cannari, Guido Pellegrini and Paolo Sestito
  7. No. 285 - Micro Enterprise and Macro Policy Data di pubblicazione:31 October 1996 by Robert Townsend
  8. No. 284 - Background Uncertainty and the Demand for Insurance against Insurable Risks Data di pubblicazione:31 October 1996 by Luigi Guiso and Tullio Jappelli
  9. No. 283 - The relationships between spot prices and 10-year BTP futures: an analysis of infraday data Data di pubblicazione:31 October 1996 by Ignazio Angeloni, Francesco Drudi and Giovanni Majnoni
  10. No. 282 - The Equity Premium Is No Puzzle Data di pubblicazione:31 October 1996 by Mordecai Kurz and Andrea Beltratti

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