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Research done:find elements

ECB Economic Bulletin
where there are the words
In the title and summary
with date
between 2017 and 2024

found 1654 items. notice: only first 500 items are displayed, ordered from more recent to less recent.

  1. Month-end financial statement at 31 July 2024 Data di pubblicazione:10 September 2024
  2. Month-end financial statement at 30 June 2024 Data di pubblicazione:12 August 2024
  3. Italian Housing Market Survey. Short-term Outlook - 2024 Q2 Data di pubblicazione:8 August 2024 Statistics
  4. ECB Economic Bulletin, No. 5 - 2024 Data di pubblicazione:1 August 2024
  5. No. 50 - Byzantine Fault Tolerant consensus with confidential quorum certificate for a Central Bank DLT Data di pubblicazione:30 July 2024
  6. N. 101 - SSM Regulation, ten years since Data di pubblicazione:29 July 2024 Conference Papers
  7. No. 21 - Credit supply and demand in the macro-regions Data di pubblicazione:29 July 2024
  8. 4th IFC Workshop on Data Science in Central Banking Data di pubblicazione:29 July 2024 18-20 February 2025 - Rome, Bank of Italy
  9. No. 49 - From Public to Internal Capital Markets: The Effects of Affiliated IPOs on Group Firms Data di pubblicazione:23 July 2024
  10. No. 40 - The new financial intermediaries licensed in 2021-23: trends and innovative models Data di pubblicazione:22 July 2024

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current screen: 1, results for screen: 10, total screens: 50.