The territorial research network is made up of 21 units operating in all the regional capitals and the autonomous province of Bolzano. These units carry out analyses and research on their local economies with regard to cyclical conditions, economic and financial structure and specific aspects of the Italian economy at territorial level.
The decentralized units carry out sample surveys and other statistical observations at firms, banks and other entities, collaborating where necessary with businesses, financial intermediaries, public institutions, trade associations and other bodies. As part of the Regional Economies series the territorial network prepares annual reports on the economy of each region (published in June) and subsequent updates (published in November).
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Regional Economies
These reports (published only in Italian) analyse the economic situation and the economic and financial structure of the Italian regions and the macro-areas, and geographical differences in credit supply and demand. The series features annual reports and updates, which are published in June and November respectively.
Agenda for Official Publications of the Bank of Italy, of conferences, seminars and workshops organized by the Bank, of national and international engagements of the members of the Bank.