The main channel for getting information on the Bank of Italy's competitions is our website. The notices are also published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale and in some instances on other, specialized websites.
If you would like to be regularly informed of employment opportunities at the Bank, sign up for our e-mail alert service, which will inform you via e-mail whenever a public competition is posted on the website and enable you to receive the competition notices themselves via e-mail.
In addition, the Bank takes part in career orientation days, meeting students and graduates, and in special events to describe the organization and institutional mission of the Bank and the job opportunities it offers.
For simplicity and transparency, the Bank makes available online:
- a platform for submitting your application
- the membership of the selection boards
- the tests used in past editions of competitions for the same position
- the examination schedule
- the results of tests (available only to candidates) and the final rankings.
Also, where possible the Bank offers candidates a special app for online access to the competition documents (trial sheets, tests, grids with the correct answers, etc.).
Generally the competitions are concluded within six or eight months after posting. Only where the number of candidates is exceptionally large more time is needed (up to ten or twelve months).
When holding public competitions the Bank of Italy ensures all the necessary measures are in place to prevent and combat phenomena of corruption in accordance with Law 190/2012 and implements the best practices and recommendations on anti-corruption developed within the OECD.