Access to Central Credit Register data

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What is the service?

The service allows people to find out about data registered under their name in the Bank of Italy's Central Credit Register. This service is free of charge.

The Central Credit Register (CR) is a database that collects data from banks and financial companies (intermediaries) on the loans granted and guarantees issued to their customers (households and firms).

Who can use it?

  • natural persons under whose name information is registered, or, in their place, subjects authorized by law (for example a tutor, a support administrator, an heir or a delegated subject);
  • legal persons, such as entities, companies, and associations, through a legal representative or other subjects authorized by law (for example the liquidator, members with unlimited liability, partners in limited companies and members of the board of auditors).

How does it work?

You can access CR data by submitting a specific request:

  • via the 'Online services' platform by choosing the 'Request data' box or by using the direct link to CR online services. On the platform, you can:
    1. identify yourself using SPID (Public Digital Identity System) or a CNS (National Service Card) or CIE (Electronic Identity Card); in this way you can access a personal space where you can fill in and send the data access request, consult and download the answers;
    2. alternatively, if you don't have a SPID or a CNS or a CIE, follow the indications and fill in and send the request form, together with a legible copy of a valid identity document. An answer will be sent to the postal address or certified email address (PEC) indicated when you sent your request;
  • to one of the Bank of Italy Branches, by certified email (PEC), regular mail or hand delivery using the form that you can download from this page and attaching a legible copy of a valid identity document. An answer will be sent to the postal address or to the certified email address (PEC) indicated.

Useful information

Access to the Bank of Italy's Central Credit Register (CR) data is free of charge.

Usually the Bank of Italy provides a response within 30 days from the date of receipt of the access request.

In case of access requests submitted by a proxy on behalf of legal entities, a response will be provided within 90 days of receipt of the request, and the data will be delivered directly to the delegating legal entity.

Companies entered in the business register kept by the Italian Chambers of Commerce can subscribe on the "Online Services" platform to receive on a monthly basis CR data to their certified e-mail address. The subscription is free of charge and lasts for one year; it is renewable on expiry and can be terminated at any time. The service can only be subscribed to by the legal representative with SPID, CNS or CIE. To start the subscription, the legal representative has to request company data referring to the latest available date.

CR data are confidential and covered by official secrecy. They can neither be disclosed nor communicated to any person other than the person directly concerned or other authorized person.

Untruthful statements made in the compilation of the request for access to the CR data, such as the declaration of a qualification that one does not hold, are reported by the Bank of Italy to the competent authority (complaint Judicial Authority and, if the conditions are met, to the Italian Data Protection Authority).

In case of untruthful statements, the Bank of Italy suspends access to CR data for the SPID/CNS/CIE of the user the first time for two years and then permanently.

Information for online access

Forms (only in Italian)

Personal Data Protection Notice

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The Bank of Italy operates throughout the country via its branches located in the regional capitals and in some provincial capitals.

Credito alla clientela Central Credit Register

The Central Credit Register is an information system on the debt of the customers of the banks and financial companies supervised by the Bank of Italy.