Balance of Payments and International Investment PositionStatistics

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These are monthly statistics on transactions between residents and non-residents, broken down into the following items:

  • current account, which includes statistics on exports and imports of goods and services as well as primary and secondary income
  • capital account, covering transactions in non-produced non-financial assets and capital transfers
  • financial account, which includes direct investment, portfolio investment, financial derivatives, other investment and changes in official reserves.

The report also includes quarterly statistics on Italy's international investment position and external debt, and monthly price competitiveness indicators calculated on the basis of the producer prices of manufactures.

Exchange rates of the euro against the leading currencies are available only in the Statistical Database, in daily series updated monthly. 

This publication is part of the Statistics series.

Time series data are available in the Statistical Database section of the website.

For further details click on Methods and Sources: Methodological Notes and on Italy's balance of payments and international investment position manual (only in Italian)

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External transactions and positions

This section provides statistical data on Italy's balance of payments and international investment position as well as any other statistics on external transactions and positions.