Agenda for Official Publications and statistics of the Bank of Italy, of conferences and seminars organized by the Bank, of national and international engagements of the members of the Bank.



  1. 5 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
  2. 9 Statistics Foreign workers' remittances Rome
  3. 9 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
  4. 10 Publications Money and Banking Rome
  5. 10 Press releases Main items of banks' balance sheets; 12 month percentage changes Rome
  6. 10 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
  7. 11 Appointments Non-monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
  8. 12 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
  9. 13 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
  10. 13 Publications The Financial Market Rome
  11. 13 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
  12. 13 Statistics Central government debt Rome
  13. 16 Publications Survey on Inflation and Growth Expectations Rome
  14. 17 Publications Financial Accounts Rome
  15. 17 Statistics Bank Lending Survey (BLS): results for Italy Rome
  16. 19 Appointments Monetary policy meeting of the ECB Governing Council Frankfurt
  17. 19 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
  18. 20 Publications Economic Bulletin Rome
  19. 23 Publications Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
  20. 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
  21. 27 -28 Appointments 23rd ASSIOM FOREX Meeting Modena
  22. 27 Press releases €-coin: January 2017 Rome
  23. 31 Statistics Sectoral balance sheets Rome
  24. 31 Statistics Other financial corporations Rome
  25. 31 Statistics General government operations Rome
  26. 31 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
  27. 31 Statistics The Statistical Bulletin - Monthly Tables Rome


  1. 2 Publications ECB Economic Bullettin Frankfurt
  2. 6 Conferences Meeting "Financing the Future" Rome, Centro Congressi - via Nazionale
  3. 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
  4. 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
  5. 9 Press releases Main items of banks' balance sheets; 12 month percentage changes Rome
  6. 9 Publications Banks and money: national data (formerly Money and Banking) Rome
  7. 9 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
  8. 10 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
  9. 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
  10. 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
  11. 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
  12. 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
  13. 17 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
  14. 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
  15. 23 Publications Italian Housing Market Survey Roma
  16. 24 Press releases €-coin: February 2017 Rome
  17. 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
  18. 28 Publications Local Government Debt Rome
  19. 28 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
  20. 28 Appointments Che cosa sa fare l'Italia. La nostra economia dopo la grande crisi (What Italy is good at. Our economy after the great crisis) Publishing house Laterza - 6:00 pm - Rome (via di villa Sacchetti 17)
  21. 28 Statistics The Statistical Bulletin - Monthly Tables Rome


  1. 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
  2. 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
  3. 9 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
  4. 9 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
  5. 10 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
  6. 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
  7. 15 Conferences Governor Ignazio Visco speaks at the round table at the Scuola Superiore della Magistratura Palazzo di Giustizia, Aula Magna, Milan
  8. 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
  9. 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
  10. 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
  11. 16 Appointments Governor Ignazio Visco speaks at a conference on the anniversary of the European Treaties Palazzo Clerici, Via Clerici 5, Milan
  12. 17 -18 Appointments G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting Baden-Baden, Germany
  13. 21 Statistics Financial soundness indicators Rome
  14. 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
  15. 21 Appointments Senior Deputy Governor Salvatore Rossi speaks at the presentation of the book La difficile arte del banchiere by Luigi Einaudi Bank of Italy, Via Cordusio 5, Milan. 3.00 pm
  16. 22 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
  17. 22 Statistics Debt securities Rome
  18. 22 -24 Conferences Seminar "The Legal Function in a Central Bank: the Experience of the Bank of Italy" Roma
  19. 23 Publications ECB Economic Bullettin Frankfurt
  20. 24 Appointments Inauguration of the Interactive exhibition for the 60th Anniversary of the Treaties of Rome Rome - Villa Huffer, Via Nazionale 191
  21. 25 -26 Appointments FAI Spring Open Days: Branches of Milan and Palermo will be open to the public Milan and Palermo
  22. 26 Appointments Interactive exhibition for the 60th Anniversary of the Treaties of Rome (26 March-9 April) Rome - Villa Huffer, Via Nazionale 191
  23. 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
  24. 27 Conferences Investment and Investment Finance in Italy: Challenges and Opportunities Rome - Congress Centre, via Nazionale 190
  25. 29 Conferences Workshop on "Public procurement: participation, quality and efficiency" Rome - Congress Centre, via Nazionale 190
  26. 31 Statistics Italy - International investment position Rome
  27. 31 Statistics Italy - External debt Rome
  28. 31 Publications Statistical Bulletin Rome
  29. 31 Statistics The Statistical Bulletin - Monthly Tables Rome
  30. 31 Appointments Bank's Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders Bank of Italy, Palazzo Koch, via Nazionale 91, Rome
  31. 31 Publications Banks and financial institutions: branch network Rome
  32. 31 Press releases €-coin: March 2017 Rome
  33. 31 Statistics Ita-coin Rome


  1. 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
  2. 7 Statistics Foreign workers' remittances Rome
  3. 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
  4. 10 Publications ECB Annual Report for 2016 Frankfurt
  5. 10 Publications Survey on Inflation and Growth Expectations Rome
  6. 11 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
  7. 11 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
  8. 13 Publications Economic Bulletin Rome
  9. 14 Statistics Central government debt Rome
  10. 14 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
  11. 14 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
  12. 14 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
  13. 14 Publications The Financial Market Rome
  14. 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
  15. 21 -23 Appointments IMF/WB Spring Meetings Washington DC
  16. 21 Appointments Salvatore Rossi speaks at the round table: "Italian companies and banks in the new global challenges" Italian Embassy - Washington D.C.
  17. 21 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
  18. 26 Statistics Bank Lending Survey (BLS): results for Italy Rome
  19. 27 Appointments Governing Council of the ECB: non-monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt Frankfurt
  20. 28 Statistics General government operations Rome
  21. 28 Statistics Other financial corporations Rome
  22. 28 Statistics Sectoral balance sheets Rome
  23. 28 Statistics The Statistical Bulletin - Monthly Tables Rome
  24. 28 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
  25. 28 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
  26. 28 Publications Financial Stability Report Rome


  1. 5 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
  2. 6 Appointments Palazzo Koch is open on 6 May as part of Open House Roma 2017 Rome
  3. 8 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
  4. 10 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
  5. 10 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
  6. 10 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
  7. 11 Publications ECB Economic Bullettin Frankfurt
  8. 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
  9. 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
  10. 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
  11. 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
  12. 17 Appointments Governing Council of the ECB: non-monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt Frankfurt
  13. 19 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
  14. 22 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
  15. 22 Publications Payment System Rome
  16. 22 Publications Italian housing market survey Rome
  17. 29 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
  18. 31 Press releases €-coin: May 2017 Rome
  19. 31 Appointments Bank of Italy Annual Report Rome
  20. 31 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
  21. 31 Statistics The Statistical Bulletin - Monthly Tables Rome


  1. 5 Publications Financial Accounts Rome
  2. 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
  3. 8 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
  4. 8 Appointments Governing Council of the ECB: monetary policy meeting in Tallinn Tallinn
  5. 9 Publications Macroeconomic projections for the Italian economy - June 2017 Rome
  6. 9 Publications Public Finance Statistics in the European Union Rome
  7. 13 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
  8. 13 Publications Banks and Money: national data Rome
  9. 13 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
  10. 15 -17 Conferences Conference: The Rise of Modern Banking in Naples. A Comparative Perspective - Speech by Governor Ignazio Visco Naples, Fondazione Banco di Napoli
  11. 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
  12. 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
  13. 15 Publications The Public Finances, borrowing requirement and debt Rome
  14. 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
  15. 19 Appointments Partnership for Capacity Development in Household Surveys for Welfare Analysis Rome
  16. 20 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
  17. 20 Statistics Financial soundness indicators Rome
  18. 21 Appointments Governing Council of the ECB: non-monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt Frankfurt
  19. 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
  20. 22 Statistics Debt securities Rome
  21. 22 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
  22. 23 Appointments IVASS - 2016 Annual Report Rome
  23. 30 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
  24. 30 Press releases €-coin: June 2017 Rome
  25. 30 Statistics Italy - International investment position Rome
  26. 30 Statistics Italy - External debt Rome
  27. 30 Publications Statistical Bulletin Rome
  28. 30 Statistics The Statistical Bulletin - Monthly Tables Rome


  1. 3 Publications Survey of Industrial and Service Firms Rome
  2. 5 Appointments Governing Council of the ECB: non-monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt Frankfurt
  3. 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
  4. 7 Statistics Foreign workers' remittances Rome
  5. 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
  6. 10 Publications Survey on Inflation and Growth Expectations Rome
  7. 11 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
  8. 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
  9. 11 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
  10. 14 Statistics Central Government Debt Rome
  11. 14 Statistics General Government Gross Debt Rome
  12. 14 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
  13. 14 Publications The Financial Market Rome
  14. 14 Publications Economic Bulletin Rome
  15. 18 Statistics Bank Lending Survey (BLS): results for Italy Rome
  16. 18 Publications Financial Accounts Rome
  17. 20 Appointments Governing Council of the ECB: monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt Frankfurt
  18. 20 Publications Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Rome
  19. 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
  20. 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
  21. 28 Publications Survey on International Merchandise Transport Rome
  22. 31 Statistics Other financial corporations Rome
  23. 31 Statistics Monthly Tables in Statistical Bulletin Rome
  24. 31 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
  25. 31 Statistics General government operations Rome
  26. 31 Statistics Sectoral balance sheets Rome


  1. 2 Appointments Governing Council of the ECB: non-monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt Frankfurt
  2. 3 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
  3. 4 Publications Italian Housing Market Survey Short-term Outlook Rome
  4. 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
  5. 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
  6. 9 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
  7. 9 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
  8. 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
  9. 18 Statistics General Government Gross Debt Rome
  10. 18 Statistics Central Government Debt Rome
  11. 18 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
  12. 18 Publications The Financial Market Rome
  13. 18 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
  14. 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
  15. 28 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
  16. 31 Statistics Monthly Tables in Statistical Bulletin Rome
  17. 31 Press releases €-coin indicator Rome
  18. 31 Statistics Ita-coin Rome


  1. 7 Appointments Governing Council of the ECB: monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt Frankfurt
  2. 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
  3. 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
  4. 12 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
  5. 12 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
  6. 15 Statistics General Government Gross Debt Rome
  7. 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
  8. 15 Statistics Central Government Debt Rome
  9. 15 Conferences Banking and Financial Dispute Resolution - The Italian Experience in the European Context Rome
  10. 15 Conferences Paolo Baffi Lectures on Money and Finance. Prof. Darrel Duffie, Stanford Graduate School of Business Rome, Via Nazionale 91
  11. 15 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
  12. 15 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
  13. 19 Publications Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Rome
  14. 20 Statistics Financial Soundness Indicators Rome
  15. 20 Appointments Governing Council of the ECB: non-monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt Frankfurt
  16. 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
  17. 21 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
  18. 22 Statistics Debt securities Rome
  19. 27 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
  20. 29 Statistics Monthly Tables in "Banks: Financing and Bank Funding by Sector and by Territory" Rome
  21. 29 Statistics Italy - International investment position Rome
  22. 29 Statistics Italy - External Debt Rome
  23. 29 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
  24. 29 Press releases €-coin indicator Rome


  1. 4 Appointments Governing Council of the ECB: non-monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt Frankfurt
  2. 5 -6 Conferences Rethinking Competitiveness, Structural Reforms, and Macro Policy Rome
  3. 6 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
  4. 6 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
  5. 6 Statistics Foreign workers' remittances Rome
  6. 9 Appointments Governor Ignazio Visco meets with a delegation of US Senators Rome
  7. 10 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
  8. 10 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
  9. 11 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
  10. 13 Statistics Central Government Debt Rome
  11. 13 Statistics General Government Gross Debt Rome
  12. 13 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
  13. 13 Publications The Financial Market Rome
  14. 16 Publications Survey on Inflation and Growth Expectations Rome
  15. 17 Publications Financial Accounts Rome
  16. 18 Publications Technology Balance of Payments Rome
  17. 20 Publications Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Rome
  18. 20 Publications Economic Bulletin Rome
  19. 23 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
  20. 24 Statistics Bank Lending Survey (BLS): results for Italy Rome
  21. 26 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
  22. 26 Appointments Governing Council of the ECB: monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt Frankfurt
  23. 27 Press releases €-coin indicator Rome
  24. 27 Publications Payment System Rome
  25. 31 Statistics Monthly Tables in "Banks: Financing and Bank Funding by Sector and by Territory" Rome
  26. 31 Statistics Sectoral balance sheets Rome
  27. 31 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
  28. 31 Publications Local Government Debt Rome
  29. 31 Statistics Other financial corporations Rome
  30. 31 Statistics General government operations Rome


  1. 3 Publications Regional Economies - Recent developments and structural aspects Rome
  2. 7 Publications Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
  3. 8 Appointments Governing Council of the ECB: non-monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt Frankfurt
  4. 8 Publications Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
  5. 9 Publications Statistics - Banks and Money: National Data Rome
  6. 9 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
  7. 9 Publications Sample Survey: Business Outlook Survey of Industrial and Service Firms Rome
  8. 10 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
  9. 10 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
  10. 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
  11. 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
  12. 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
  13. 15 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
  14. 16 Publications Italian Housing Market Survey. Short-term Outlook - October 2017 Rome
  15. 17 Publications Balance of payments and International investment position Rome
  16. 21 Conferences Legal conference: "Judicial review in the banking Union and in the EU financial architecture" Rome, Bank of Italy's Conference Centre
  17. 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
  18. 22 Appointments Governing Council of the ECB: non-monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt Frankfurt
  19. 24 Publications Financial Stability Report Rome
  20. 28 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
  21. 30 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
  22. 30 -1 Conferences 'The digital transformation of the retail payments ecosystem'. European Central Bank - Bank of Italy conference Rome
  23. 30 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
  24. 30 -1 Conferences Conference 'How Financial Systems Work: Evidence from Financial Accounts' Rome
  25. 30 Press releases €-coin indicator Rome


  1. 6 Appointments Governing Council of the ECB: non-monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt Frankfurt
  2. 6 Appointments Opening Remarks by Salvatore Rossi at the workshop "Behavioral Finance Revolution and the Financial Regulations and Policies" Rome
  3. 7 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
  4. 7 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
  5. 7 Publications Public Finance Statistics in the European Union Rome
  6. 11 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
  7. 12 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
  8. 12 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
  9. 14 Appointments Governing Council of the ECB: monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt Frankfurt
  10. 15 Publications The Public Finances: Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
  11. 15 Statistics Central government debt Rome
  12. 15 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
  13. 15 Publications The Financial Market Rome
  14. 20 Publications Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Rome
  15. 20 Statistics Financial soundness indicators Rome
  16. 21 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
  17. 22 Statistics Debt securities Rome
  18. 28 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
  19. 29 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
  20. 29 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Credit Conditions and Risk by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome
  21. 29 Statistics Italy - External debt Rome
  22. 29 Press releases €-coin indicator Rome
  23. 29 Statistics Italy - International investment position Rome
  24. 29 Publications Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area Rome
  25. 29 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome