G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meet regularly to discuss key issues for the promotion of global economic stability. These meetings may be preceded by preparatory meetings for Deputies. The meetings planned for 2021 during Italy's Presidency are:
- January 25-26 - 1st G20 Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting and Symposium on 'Opportunities and Challenges of Digitalisation in light of the Covid-19 Crisis'
- 26 February - 1st G20 Finance Ministers and Central Banks Governors Meeting
- 1-2 April - 2nd G20 Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting
- 7 April - 2nd G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting
- 7-8 July - 3rd G20 Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting
- 9-10 July - 3rd G20 Finance and Central Bank Governors Meeting
- 13-14 September - 4th G20 Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting at Naples
- 13 October - 4th G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting