- 2023 World Savings Day - Address by the Governor Ignazio Visco pdf 286.0 KB Data di pubblicazione:31-10-2023 by Ignazio Visco, Governor of the Bank of Italy Rome - ACRI - 2023 World Savings Day
- 2023 World Savings Day - Address by the Governor Ignazio Visco epub 2.1 MB Data di pubblicazione:31-10-2023 ePub version by Ignazio Visco, Governor of the Bank of Italy Rome - ACRI - 2023 World Savings Day
- L'avventura della moneta: una mostra e un Museo (only in Italian) pdf 144.2 KB Data di pubblicazione:30-10-2023 by Ignazio Visco, Governor of the Bank of Italy Rome
- Legal foundations of the Single Supervisory Mechanism: A retrospective look at future challenges (versione epub) epub 92.9 KB Data di pubblicazione:20-10-2023 by Ignazio Visco, Governor of the Bank of Italy Rome - Bank of Italy in cooperation with the University of Rome 'Roma Tre' and the Paolo Ferro-Luzzi 'Grandangolo' Research Centre - SSM Regulation, ten years since
- Legal foundations of the Single Supervisory Mechanism: A retrospective look at future challenges pdf 163.2 KB Data di pubblicazione:20-10-2023 by Ignazio Visco, Governor of the Bank of Italy Rome - Bank of Italy in cooperation with the University of Rome 'Roma Tre' and the Paolo Ferro-Luzzi 'Grandangolo' Research Centre - SSM Regulation, ten years since
- Central Banks and Sustainable Development Finance (only in Italian) pdf 186.9 KB Data di pubblicazione:19-10-2023 by Ignazio Visco, Governor of the Bank of Italy Presentation of the 2023 ASviS Report
- Statement by Ignazio Visco at the 108th Meeting of the Development Committee pdf 123.0 KB Data di pubblicazione:12-10-2023 by Ignazio Visco, Governor of the Bank of Italy Marrakech - International Monetary Fund & World Bank - Development Committee (Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries)
- Global challenges and prospects for multilateralism - ePub version epub 101.1 KB Data di pubblicazione:03-10-2023 (only in Italian) by Ignazio Visco, Governatore della Banca d'Italia Lanciano - Giornate di economia "Marcello De Cecco"
- Global challenges and prospects for multilateralism (only in Italian) pdf 191.0 KB Data di pubblicazione:03-10-2023 by Ignazio Visco, Governatore della Banca d'Italia Lanciano - Giornate di economia "Marcello De Cecco"
- Gianni Toniolo and the Bank of Italy pdf 256.8 KB Data di pubblicazione:29-09-2023 by Ignazio Visco, Governor of the Bank of Italy Naples - Associazione per la Storia Economica - 8th ASE Annual Meeting - ASE Gianni Toniolo Session
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