The Bank's organizational structure reflects the three levels at which it operates: international, national and local. The Head Office draws up and implements the strategic, management and operational policies.
At the national level the Bank is organized in branches located in the regional capitals and in some provincial capitals. Their activities relate to the State treasury service, banking and financial supervision, the protection of customers of banking and financial intermediaries, banknote circulation, payment system services and economic analysis and statistical surveys at the local level.
The Bank has representative offices in London, New York and Tokyo, an office at the House of the Euro in Brussels and a number of officers are seconded as financial attachés to some Italian embassies and consulates.
The Financial Intelligence Unit has an autonomous position.
The Bank of Italy is currently engaged in a reorganization designed to enhance the quality, economy and efficiency of the services it provides to the country, in line with the changing economic and financial landscape and with the opportunities offered by technological innovation.