This section contains monthly data on the main public finance statistics calculated by the Bank of Italy:
- the Italian General government debt, calculated according to statistical rules established at European level ("Maastricht debt"). General government debt - along with net borrowing/net lending, which is calculated by Istat - are the reference indicators for the Excessive Deficit Procedure of the Maastricht Treaty;
- the Italian General government borrowing requirement, whose computing criteria are not harmonized at the European level. The General government borrowing requirement is a cash-based indicator for the trend in the public accounts.
The list of institutional units included in General government is updated and published every year by Istat.
In addition, in order to facilitate international comparisons, in this section are published twice-yearly annual data on General government net borrowing, debt and main non-financial account items for the EU countries and the remaining G7 countries (United States, Japan, United Kingdom, and Canada).
Other sections of the Bank of Italy's website contain financial statistics about Italian General government. In particular:
- the Financial accounts section contains quarterly data on the stocks and flows of Italian General government assets and liabilities at market value;
- the Balance of payments and International investment position and external debt sections contain monthly data on the stocks of Italian General government assets and liabilities vis-à-vis non-residents;
- the Financial market section contains monthly detailed data on government securities (gross and net issues, stocks, yields, average residual maturity and duration etc.);
- the Government bonds auctions and Treasury's money market operations section contains detailed information on outstanding government securities, placement and buy-back operations and money market operations.