Innovation in the payment system, FinTech and crypto assets

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The payment system and the services that support the proper functioning of the markets are the principle components of the financial infrastructure of each country. From banknotes to ATMs, credit cards to crypto assets, payment systems are constantly evolving. While cash still plays an important role in day-to-day payments in Italy, technology has nonetheless become increasingly integrated with finance, giving rise to the FinTech industry’s innovative products whose implications for consumers are not always clear. What is the Bank of Italy's role in this area? What should we expect in the near future? How will the FinTech industry evolve and what role will crypto assets play? In these meetings experts from the Bank of Italy and external experts will provide concrete answers about the implications and future developments of innovation in the payment system.


Stability in the financial sector and protecting consumers of banking and financial services

Banking supervision is a complex and multifaceted activity that is necessary to preserve the stability and efficiency of the financial system.

Statistics for economic analysis

Statistics help us to understand the world around us and find our place in it, they illustrate the interlinkages between sectors and countries, and they form the basis of national and international economic analyses. Ultimately they help us to take the best decisions in the interests of the wider community.

Monetary policy and maintaining currency stability

Today money continues to be a means of payment, store of value, and medium of exchange. In order for it to carry out all of these functions effectively, confidence in its value must be preserved over time: responsibility for this falls to monetary policy.