No. 554 - Credit risk statistical information of the Bank of Italy and the new AnaCredit data collection

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by Maria Di Noia and Davide MorettiApril 2020

This paper provides an overview of statistical information on credit risk managed by the Bank of Italy, recently added with the new AnaCredit framework. It can be considered the main driver behind the spread of a ‘new paradigm’ of increasingly granular and harmonized data collection among the euro-area countries. It may also provide a strong incentive for the stakeholders to integrate the collection of data on credit risk and to rationalize the reporting burden for intermediaries.

How national systems for collecting data on credit risk evolve is closely linked to future developments at European level. In this context, an adequate regulatory framework must be defined, consistent with the new integrated reporting scenario and with a sound governance system. The adoption of a common dictionary of definitions and concepts, the trend observed in euro-area countries, to integrate the national Central Credit Registers with AnaCredit and make more harmonized feedback loops available to intermediaries, could pave the way for the creation of a European Credit Register.

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