No. 459 - The recent evolution of unemployment benefits in Italy

The reforms of 2012 (the 'Fornero Law') and 2015 (the 'Jobs Act') have redesigned the unemployment benefit system. The ASpI and later, from 2015, the NASpI, have increased the universality of the system, correlating the rights of the unemployed to their employment history, reinforcing the principle that the right to receive benefits is conditional on the active search for and acceptance of a job offer and on attending retraining courses.

The main findings of the analysis are as follows: the ASpI, which includes new categories of workers and removes seniority insurance requirements, has led to a significant increase in the rate of coverage of the system for those who have lost their job involuntarily; the NASpI has further rationalized the system and expands the numbers eligible for unemployment benefit. The share of people receiving benefits that are not actively searching for a job remains high.

Published in 2019 in: Economia e lavoro, 2/2019, pp. 83-100

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