The Bank of Italy's economic research is widely disseminated and very well received in the academic and policy communities.

According to IDEAS/RePEc, as of October 2022, the Bank of Italy ranks sixth among central banks and international organizations worldwide, and first among the national central banks of the Eurosystem; it ranks second among all economic research departments in Italy, only behind Bocconi University.

Reflecting the variety of interests and tasks within the Directorate General for Economics, Statistics and Research, our work spans a wide range of topics.

We disseminate our work through a Research Newsletter and two main publications series. The Working Paper series are subject to a peer review process and are oriented towards more academic and original research, with a high publication potential. The Occasional Paper series deals instead with issues of primary importance to the institutional tasks of the Bank of Italy and the Eurosystem, and disseminate sound analytical work with a major policy relevance but not necessarily making original scientific contributions.

In recent years, the two series have, between them, published over 100 papers annually and each year about 80 papers by the Bank's economists have been published in refereed journals. Outlets include Econometrica, the American Economic Review, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Economic Journal, the Review of Economic Studies, the Journal of Monetary Economics and the Journal of the European Economic Association.

You can download a full list of our publications.