No. 671 - Gender diversity in the non-financial reporting of Italian banks

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by Emanuela Atripaldi, Nicole Gila, Alessia Musco and Ulrike SauerwaldFebruary 2022

Corporate social responsibility reporting on environmental, social and governance (ESG) sustainability allows analysts and investors to assess firms' risk exposure to these factors and their long-term profitability. We analyse how and to what extent Italian banks disclose to the public their stance on diversity and inclusion (D&I), an important element of firms' sustainability strategy.

The analysis shows that D&I is material for most Italian banks, though it is treated differently in terms of granularity of information and in the way in which the information is presented in the non-financial reporting (NFR). The paper identifies some aspects that banks could use in each of the three main areas considered in the NFR (materiality process; D&I management; publication of quantitative information on D&I) to enhance their activities related to D&I.