No. 195 - The net stable funding ratio and banks' participation in monetary policy operations: some evidence for the euro area

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by Antonio Scalia, Sergio Longoni and Tiziana RosolinSeptember 2013

Based on a review of the analytical underpinnings of the effects of the NSFR on banks' choices, this paper attempts to relate banks' strategies to developments in the value of the ratio in the euro area. In spite of a not-so-near implementation date, the evidence is that the NSFR already matters for banks' choices, and it might be more relevant as a decision variable than alternative leverage indicators. As part of a convergence process towards the 100 per cent threshold, we estimate that the ECB's 3-year LTROs have raised the available stable funding by €429 billion as of June 2012 for the sample banks with a shortfall and that the NSFR may affect loans to the economy. In view of the phasing-in of the Basel III liquidity standards, the evidence suggests that, when evaluating non-standard monetary policy measures, central banks should also take into account their impact on the fulfilment of the NSFR and the possible cliff effects related to their expiration.

Published in 2016 in: Rivista Bancaria, Minerva Bancaria, v. 71, 2-3, pp. 7-42