He was born in Naples on 18 October 1965 and graduated with honours in Law from the University of Salerno in 1988.

He has been at the Bank of Italy since 1992, following a posting at the Benevento Branch where, amongst other things, he carried out off- and on-site supervision; he was assigned to the Inspectorate Directorate in 1998.

He was responsible for inspections at the leading national banks and financial intermediaries, subsequently setting up SSM inspections on behalf of the European Central Bank, and since June 2016, he has been coordinating reviews of inspection reports.

He has given expert opinions on behalf of the judicial authorities. He has been a member of the Bank’s graduate recruitment commissions. He has been involved in drawing up supervisory guidelines and managed in-house and external training schemes, participating as a speaker at both academic and institutional seminars and conferences.

From 1 August 2019 to 21 June 2020, he was Deputy Head of the Inspectorate Directorate.

Following the creation of the new Directorate General for Consumer Protection and Financial Education, on 22 June 2020, he was appointed as Head of the Financial Intermediaries Conduct Supervision Directorate.