The Report describes the activities of the Bank of Italy during the year in its roles as member of the ESCB and the Eurosystem, as the authority responsible for the sound and prudent management of financial intermediaries and for safeguarding the stability of the financial system, and as the provider of services to intermediaries, government bodies and the public.
The Report gives an essential account of the Bank's activities during the year past and specifies the Bank's principal institutional and internal functions, the results achieved and the resources employed.
With this Report the Bank of Italy complies with Article 19 of Law 262/2005 as amended by Legislative Decree 303/2006 and, as far as supervisory activity is concerned, with Article 4 of the Consolidated Law on Banking (Legislative Decree 385/1993).
The balance sheet and financial statement for the year are included in the Bank's Annual Report, presented at the annual Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders and published in a separate volume.