Environment Report - 2013

Over the last few years the Bank of Italy has striven to reduce and continuously monitor its ecological footprint, in line with the strategic objectives set out in its environmental policy (a rational use of resources, efficient waste management, sustainable mobility, and “green” procurement). Reducing its impact on the environment, within the broader context of its commitment in terms of social
responsibility, is one of the objectives in the Bank’s Strategic Plan for 2011-2013.

The 2013 Environment Report, in line with the previous editions available on the Bank’s website, provides a comprehensive overview of the Bank’s environmental impact by means of quantitative indicators, presenting the progress made and identifying the areas that require greater attention in the
future. Please see the Methodological Note for detailed information on the data illustrated in the Report and the areas to which they refer.

Overall, the Bank’s ecological footprint was smaller in 2012 than in 2009. [...]

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