Since 16 January 2017 the Bank of Italy’s statistical data have been published in the ‘Statistics’ series with a new layout and renewed contents. For further details consult the page Statistics series.
Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area is one of the three new stand-alone specialized publications which are replacing the Statistical Bulletin over the course of 2017.
The new report will be published quarterly and contains data on loans granted by banks and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A. (CDP) and on funding. In addition, data with reference to other financial intermediaries are also available.
For further information see the Notice to users.
For information on the conversion between the old coding of the tables previously published in the Statistical Bulletin and the new coding of the tables in this publication see the Conversion Chart.
Time series data are available in the Statistical Database section of the website.
To facilitate the correct identification and interpretation of the tables, a map of the concepts illustrated in the report may be downloaded using the following link.
For further details click on Methods and Sources: Methodological Notes.