The Regional Economies series provides a territorial analysis (by region and macro-region) of developments in the Italian economy. The analyses are organized as follows:
- Analysis at regional level. The analyses of the individual regions include a report issued in June each year (with data mainly on the previous year) plus an update in November (with data for the current year). The publications are produced in cooperation with the Bank’s regional main branches, which study the local cyclical conditions and economic and financial structures, and collect statistical data thanks to the cooperation of economic operators, financial intermediaries, public institutions, trade associations and other bodies.
- Analysis at macro-regional level . At the end of autumn, a report is published on economic developments in the previous year and in the early months of the following year in the four macro-regions of Italy (‘Economic developments in the Italian regions’). This also contains monographic essays on the main local economic questions.
- Demand and supply of credit at territorial level. Twice yearly (in June/July and December) the results of the survey conducted by the Bank of Italy are also published on a sample of around 400 banks interviewed on credit demand and supply conditions. Looking at the four macro-regions of Italy, this document analyses the six-monthly trend in demand for loans and the terms of lending practiced by intermediaries with breakdowns by sector and type of bank; once a year, the document also contains data gathered annually on loans for house purchase.