The article entitled 'Workers at risk in Italy during the COVID-19 epidemic' is now online, produced by Bank of Italy researchers and by Teresa Barbieri and Sergio Scicchitano from the INAPP (National Institute for Public Policy Analysis).
The article analyses the characteristics of the kinds of jobs that most expose workers to the risk of being infected with COVID-19, identifying the sectors where people come into closest contact with customers and fellow workers - mainly services and retail trade.
The shutting down of non-essential businesses, involving almost 8 million employed people, has above all affected sectors where people are most likely to be in close physical contact. Because of the need to maintain activity in sectors that are vital during an epidemic, the Government's measures have not touched some sectors with a high level of exposure to diseases and infections.
The financial, banking and insurance sectors, public administration and most professional services lend themselves more easily to teleworking. It is estimated that the number of workers that have not been at work because they can work from home exceeds the number directly affected by businesses being shut down by up to 3 million.