Agenda for Official Publications and statistics of the Bank of Italy, of conferences and seminars organized by the Bank, of national and international engagements of the members of the Bank.



  1. 4 Publications ECB Economic Bulletin Frankfurt
  2. 5 Statistics Bank of Italy official reserves Rome
  3. 5 Statistics Bank of Italy balance-sheet aggregates Rome
  4. 5 Statistics Ita-coin Rome
  5. 5 Press releases €-coin Rome
  6. 9 Publications Banks and Money: National Data Rome
  7. 10 Publications Italian Housing Market Survey Short-term Outlook Rome
  8. 10 Publications The Italian economy in brief Rome
  9. 12 Statistics Italy - International tourism Rome
  10. 16 Statistics General government gross debt Rome
  11. 16 Publications The Public Finances, Borrowing Requirement and Debt Rome
  12. 16 Publications The Financial Market Rome
  13. 16 Statistics Central government debt Rome
  14. 19 Publications Balance of payments and International Investment Position Rome
  15. 22 Statistics Italy's international reserves and foreign currency liquidity Rome
  16. 26 Statistics Italian contribution to euro-area monetary aggregates and Summary data on Monetary Financial Institutions resident in Italy Rome
  17. 31 Statistics Banks and Financial Institutions: Financing and Funding by Sector and Geographical Area - Monthly Tables Rome