The various phases of the statistical process, from the collection of the data, to its processing, dissemination and exchange, can be the subject of agreements with various other bodies and institutions.
In this regard, the Bank of Italy has entered into agreements with institutions and national bodies to streamline the exchange of statistical information, strengthen cooperation between authorities and reduce, to the greatest extent possible, the burden on reporting entities. Here are some examples:
Consob receives data on banks’ securities trading and the supervisory information transmitted to the Bank of Italy by Collective Investment Undertakings.
The Interbank Deposit Protection Fund and the Depositors’ Guarantee Fund receive balance sheet indicators of the member banks in each Fund.
Istat receives data on income statements and on the status of the banking system as well as on employees in the credit, financial and securities investment sectors and, lastly, on loans interest rates by region of the borrower.
The Ministry of Economy and Finance receives data on loans and deposits of general government, bank transactions in securities and consumer credit.
The Ministry for Agriculture receives data on loans granted to the agriculture, forestry and fishing sector.
The ABI and other associations in the sector receive statistical data on banking.
The Bank of Italy receives supervisory information (Solvency II) transmitted to the IVASS by insurances companies.