The Bank of Italy (the Bank) acts as State treasurer. It makes payments on account of general government bodies and collects amounts due to them. Citizens can receive wages and salaries and other payments from government bodies, pay what they owe to them on their own account or that of a third party, and obtain reports on the transactions carried out.
Payments and collections made within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) are legally and operationally treated as domestic, thanks to the integration of cashless retail payments in euros across Europe. In this way, European citizens, businesses and general government bodies can send and receive payments in euros to/from beneficiaries in any SEPA country using common rules and procedures.
How to receive payments
Payments from a general government body can be received:
- normally, by credit transfer to one's current account or via other electronic payment instruments with an IBAN (e.g., electronic payment cards, within the maximum amount thresholds allowed under the instrument's contractual terms and conditions);
- in cash, in person (with a valid ID) at any of the Bank's branches or at a post office, for amounts within the legal limit.
If the payment order has already been received by the Bank of Italy's branch, you can ask the branch to credit the amount to a bank or postal current account.
How to make payments
Payments to a general government body can be made in euros:
- by bank or postal credit transfer. If a credit transfer is used, you must specify the reason for the payment, the IBAN of the central government budget item or account to be credited, the tax code of the debtor and where applicable the tax code of the payer. The IBAN codes for the credit transfers are available in the State General Accounting Department section of the website of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (click here to visit the website). The SWIFT/BIC code for payments to non-SEPA countries is: BITAITRRENT.
To set up temporary deposits, payments must be made by credit transfer to the account of the beneficiary governmental body using the IBAN found in the list annexed to the State General Accounting Department Circular No. 27 of 6 January 2018 (external link); - via the pagoPA payments platform (as per Article 5 of Legislative Decree 82/2005 - Digital Administration Code, CAD);
- via home banking or at the post office through the procedure 'Piattaforma Incassi per la PA' used to collect payments to the general government (as per Ministerial Decree dated 30 April 2021);
- in cash, at one of the Bank of Italy's branches.
The receipt stub, or e-stub for payments made through the pagoPA platform, as per Article 5 of the CAD, certifies that the payment has been made and relieves debtors from their obligations.
Non-euro payments are allowed only in specific cases provided for by the law. In such cases, the payments must be carried out as specified in Article 1 of the Ministerial Decree dated 12 June 2019 by credit transfer to an account held by the Bank of Italy which, in turn, will translate the amounts in euros and transfer them to the relevant State budget items or Treasury accounts.
The banking details for these payments are supplied directly by the general government bodies to which the payments are made.
Contact information
Payment beneficiaries or their legal representatives may apply, in writing, to obtain information on payment orders to their accounts.
All requests must be sent via certified email to or via regular email to They must specify all the data needed to identify the order (issuing governmental body, payment order number, budget item, issue date and amount) and the person requesting the information (name, surname, tax code).