Month-end Financial statement of the Bank of Italy

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This section includes the month-end financial statements of the Bank of Italy for the months from January 2017.

Previous financial statements are available in the Statistical Bulletin and, as time series, in the statistical database (BDS).

The format has been revised with respect to the one previously included in the Statistical Bulletin:

on the asset side:

  • Claims on euro-area residents denominated in foreign currency are disclosed on an aggregate basis,
  • Other Claims on euro-area credit institutions, previously included under item Other assets, are now disclosed separately.

on the liability side:

  • Other liabilities to euro-area credit institutions are disclosed on an aggregate basis,
  • Other liabilities to euro-area credit institutions, previously included under item Other liabilities, are now disclosed separately,
  • the items Provisions, Provision for general risks, Net profits for distribution and Income for the year net of Expenses for the year are disclosed under item Other liabilities.

The ECB publishes on its website a monthly breakdown of how the ECB and the NCBs contribute to the consolidated financial statement of the Eurosystem. The figures for the Bank of Italy published by ECB may differ from the ones published in this section because they refer to a different date (the last or first Friday of the month instead of the month end) and because they do not take into account further accounting adjustments made out by the Bank of Italy between the reference date and the publication date.

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Statistical Bulletin (discontinued)

Since 16 January 2017 the Bank of Italy’s statistical data has been published in the Statistics series with a new layout and renewed contents. For further details consult the page Statistics series.