No. 31 - Open Banking in the payment system: infrastructural evolution, innovation and security, supervisory and oversight practices

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by Roberto Pellitteri, Ravenio Parrini, Carlo Cafarotti and Benedetto Andrea De VendictisMarch 2023

This paper describes the features of open banking, its impact on the Italian payments market, and the changes it has brought about in the supervisory and oversight procedures of Banca d'Italia, the competent financial authority, implemented to govern relations with the new players in the payment chain and to ensure that the overall stability of the payment system is maintained over time. In the Italian market, the application of EU regulations, set out in PSD2, led to the development of system solutions, based on hubs, to which payment service providers turned to a great extent to set up dedicated interfaces for third-party access. The national competent authority, in its supervisory and oversight functions, has set out system of controls, provided for by the regulations, to respond to the new and highly innovative characteristics of the market. The oversight activity also includes the collection of statistical data to monitor the efficiency, reliability, security and compliance profiles of the system solutions, enabling the development of useful indicators to assess the evolution of the national market.