XI - History of Banking, Financial and Insurance legislation. From Italy's Unification to 2011by Enrico Galanti, Raffaele D'Ambrosio and Alessandro V. Guccione

The book provides a joint overview of the three fields of banking, finance and insurance - lacking thus far for Italy - by discussing not only legislation but also the economic and market developments that helped to shape the norms and that were in turn shaped by them. The work pays special attention to European Community law. It ranges from the state of affairs before Italian national unification right down to 2011. The book consists of three sections, one for each of the three subjects (Banking, Finance, Insurance). It is addressed not only to scholars - to whom it offers a reading of original legal sources, including those farthest back in time, and of documents not always easily found, together with a very extensive bibliography - but also to legal practitioners and students first approaching the topic. An introduction describes the fundamental features of Italian banking, financial and insurance legislation that have emerged from 150 years of national history.

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