Second Scientific Workshop and Policy Conference of EFIGERome, 18 June 2010

On 18 June the Bank of Italy hosted the Second Scientific Workshop and Policy Conference of EFIGE (European Firms In a Global Economy) for the presentation of the first policy report, entitled "The Global Operations of European Firms".

Funded by the European Commission, the EFIGE Project studies the internationalization of European firms to gauge the effects on firms and economies and discuss economic policy measures. The project offers theoretical and applied analyses, using unpublished data on firms in seven countries (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Spain, United Kingdom) collected on an ad hoc basis using a uniform questionnaire.

Governor Mario Draghi's remarks opened the Conference organized by the Bank of Italy, Bruegel and Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano. Speakers included Michel Barnier (EU Commissioner for Internal Market and Services), John Romalis (University of Chicago), Tony Venables (University of Oxford), Alessandro Profumo (CEO, UniCredit Group), Giuseppe Recchi (CEO, General Electric per il Sud Europa), Fabrizio Saccomanni (Director General, Bank of Italy) and Giorgio Squinzi (CEO, Mapei).

The gathering concludes three days of study in Rome, following the "European Research Workshop in International Trade" at the Einaudi Institute on the 16th and the Bank of Italy on the 17th of June.

