The Guide to the Historical Archives

The Guide to the Bank of Italy's Historical Archives was prepared by archivists and supervised by consultants, Professors Franco Bonelli, Claudio Pavone and Giuseppe Talamo, and published in 1993. The guide gives a summary of the fonds of the Historical Archives at that date. The guide was seen as an intermediate objective, for publication on the occasion of the Bank's centenary, with the intent to inventory all the Archives' holdings in the long term.

However since 1993, the structure of the Archives has changed considerably as a result of the large number of acquisitions of new archival materials and the creation of new fonds and sub-fonds.

For this reason, while the Guide is still a useful tool for the first-time user and is a mine of information on the institutional and administrative history of the Bank, it does not reflect the present structure of the Archives.

In order to have a complete picture, the information contained in the guide must be integrated with information from the database itself and that obtained with other finding aids. A new edition of the guide is planned which will include all the changes in the structure of the materials held in the Archives that have been made since 1993.

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