Today the Bank of Italy publishes the 'Survey on Household Income and Wealth - 2020'.
Main results
In 2020 the average income of Italian households, at constant prices and adjusted for household composition, was 3.7 per cent higher than in 2016, the last year for which the figure is available, but still almost 8 percentage points lower compared with the peak recorded in 2006, before the last three recessions that hit the Italian economy.
Average net wealth, valued at constant prices, rose by 1.7 per cent between 2016 and 2020, mainly thanks to the financial component, which was driven both by the growth in savings and the increased value of assets.
The share of indebted households started increasing again, interrupting the decline underway since 2008. Among these households, there was a 4 percentage point decrease compared with 2016 in the share of financially vulnerable households.