SSM Regulation, ten years since

The Bank of Italy's Legal Service Directorate - jointly with Roma Tre University and the Paolo Ferro-Luzzi "Grandangolo" Research Centre - organises the conference "SSM Regulation, ten years since", on the tenth anniversary of the SSM regulation.

The event will be held on Friday, October 20th, 2023, in English and in hybrid mode: in presence at Centro Convegni Carlo Azeglio Ciampi (via Nazionale 190, Rome) and online on Webex Platform. In order to participate, an e-mail is requested to, specifying the preferred participation mode, by 13 October*.

The Conference Secretariat is available for any information at the e-mail address

* By participating in the event, you consent to the use - by the Bank of Italy - of photographic, audio and video recordings for institutional communication purposes.
